Wednesday, August 26th from 7:20pm – 8:35pm ET (via Zoom)
During our first live class session, we will review our Course Site, Syllabus, Course Schedule, and what to expect in a hybrid class. We will also review our first assignments and how you can have a successful semester.
Wednesday, September 23rd from 7:20pm – 8:35pm ET (via Zoom)
During our second live class session, we will hear from Tiffany Suarez (Talent Acquisition @ Spotify) and Annie Stankevich (Enterprise Sales @ LinkedIn) about how to best set ourselves up for success when looking for a job, and about how organizations source and evaluate candidates for their open roles.
Enterprise Sales Leader of Sales Solutions, Annie Stankevich, is a LinkedIn guru. (Seriously – check out her comprehensive LinkedIn page here.) She will be joining our class to speak about the importance of creating and maintaining a LinkedIn profile, and will share some best practices to make sure yours stands out.
Tiffany Suarez is a Senior Technical Recruiter at Spotify, and she focuses on attracting top talent and retaining talent. She wants to help candidates achieve their career goals and provide insight on today’s job market. As a guest lecturer in our class, Tiffany will share tips for interviewing and will provide insight into what she looks for in a solid candidate. Check out her LinkedIn page, here.
Wednesday, October 21st from 7:20pm – 8:35pm ET (via Zoom)
During our third live class session, we will review for our upcoming Midterm Exam. We will discuss main themes of the following units, and we will review student questions accordingly. Please come prepared with specific questions about content you need support with.
Unit 1: Equal Employment & The Law
Unit 2: HR Management Strategy & Analysis
Unit 3: Job Analysis & Talent Management Process
Unit 4: Planning, Recruiting, and Selection
Unit 5: Interviewing Candidates
Unit 6: Learning & Development + Performance & Appraisal
Wednesday, November 18th from 7:20pm – 8:35pm ET (via Zoom)
During our fourth live class session, we will first divide into teams and debate sides of an organizational ethical dilemma. Then, we will discuss why ethics plays a large role in organizational success, and how failure to plan can have devastating affects on customer opinion. It’s not all negative, though! We will also explore how companies with missions that are rooted in ethical decision making have an easier time avoiding scandal.
More information can be found in our Unit 11: Employee Relations & Business Ethics Course Materials page.
Wednesday, December 16th from 7:20pm – 8:35pm ET (via Zoom)
During our fifth and final live class session, we will review for our upcoming Final Exam. We will discuss main themes of the following units, and we will review student questions accordingly. Please come prepared with specific questions about content you need support with.