Author Archives: Selena Andrews

Business Ethics

I usually am not a person with a gray area when it comes to pretty much anything, but when it comes to whether or not I think it’s ethical for kids to go back to school or not, I’m stuck in the middle. As long as the hybrid method is available, kids should be able to go to school just as long as the decision is still up to the parents. No one should have to be forced to do anything they are not comfortable with. Some parents can’t afford to pay a babysitter for 5 days a week every week and need the help, and it also gives these kids something to look forward to just knowing they’re going to leave the house and may see their friends can really boost their mentality. Also, as long as kids go to school, there will be testing going on, so if people needed free testing with immediate results, schools are offering that to the students’ families. Ethically speaking, if schools are following the Center for Disease Control guidelines, then it’s no reason why schools can’t operate on a hybrid level. The classes wouldn’t be crowded, and it will continue to give the parents the ultimate decision of whether they think it’s safe for their kids to return to school. I think opening schools back 5 days a week is dangerous because there will be no full day to do a deep cleaning unless it’s on the weekend, and what happens to the children whose parents don’t think it’s safe yet to return to school? Will they get penalized? Closing the schools completely can be a lot for parents who don’t have many options for their kids but send them to school because they are essential workers or can’t afford to miss work. Schools have become a haven for some of the students as far as lunches and a safe space so that schools would take away so much for that child or parent in dire need. So the logical thing to do is continue with the hybrid learning 2 days on 3days off; it can mean so much in so many ways for both the children and the parents.

Risk Management

Selena Andrews

Bus 311

Risk Management Assignment



In 2020, the companies face a few new risks and a lot of old threats that companies are still facing today. These risks include Coronavirus, social media, and cyber-attacks. One of the most significant risk at the moment is the Coronavirus. This a relatively new risk that companies and organizations were not prepared for because no one knew of its existence. Coronavirus is a virus that attacks your respiratory system. The Coronavirus can be transmitted through air, touch, and other forms. Coronavirus has caused the country to shut down in a way that we have never seen before. Due to the significant shutdown, companies had to lay off most of their workers, if not all, because of stay at home orders. Those businesses who fell into the essential category had to find ways to keep their employees at work, but safe from the Coronavirus spread and contamination. This pandemic caused a lot of businesses to fail and permanently shut their doors. The companies that were able to reopen have to follow new OSHA safety guidelines, including having personal protection equipment (PPE) and an HVAC ventilator. Social media has also proposed a risk for companies because many companies have lost business and employees due to misused social media. For example, a company or employee might do or say something on social media that the public deems offensive and now choose not to support the company or petition for the employee to lose their job. In 2020 there have been many instances when a person was recorded or said something offensive and lost their job or sponsors because of it. Now the company, in order to show support to the public and not lose business, part ways with the employee, which now leaves a gap in their employment structure. Now the company has to fill the void, which takes time and money.

Last but not least, cyber-attacks are not a new risk but is still a significant risk in 2020. Cyber-attacks are mostly breaching in security, where people override the company’s cybersecurity system to steal sensitive information. Most recently, Capital One and Equifax have been victimized by cyber-attacks where sensitive information such as social security numbers was stolen. These security breaches pose a significant risk because not only is the company in danger their customers are in danger of identity theft, which has been on the rise. Once there is a security breach, the company must inform the authorities, hire lawyers, settle lawsuits, and pay for an all-new security system. But most importantly, a company has to gain the trust of individuals who are now scared to do business with these companies. Coronavirus misused asocial media, and cyber-attacks have been the most significant risk of 2020 and have all cost companies time and lots of money to rectify.



When most people think of employee benefits, people tend to think of monetary value, such as compensation. Thankfully in the year, 2020 businesses offer so much more than just a paycheck. Companies now provide other benefits such as health insurance, cost of living adjustments (COLA), stock options, and tuition reimbursement, to name a few. Depending on where you are working, for example, a big city such as New York City or a small suburban town, the cost of living is different. It cost more to live in a big city versus a small town, so a company may offer a higher salary to those that work and reside in the city than in a small town; this is called a cost of living adjustment. Another benefit is the tuition reimbursement; more and more companies are promoting higher education and are willing to assist their employees by offering them cash back for paying for their tuition. Something to note to receive tuition reimbursement, your degree, or trade must be beneficial to the job. If I had to choose a benefit that is important to me, I would choose paid time off and sick leave. As a mother of a 7-year-old daughter, I find myself having to call out of work or take a day off due to doctor’s appointments, school closing, and sickness, so it’s important to me that I work with a company that doesn’t scrutinize you for needing to take the day off. Also, I’m unwilling to sacrifice my paycheck to increase my benefits, so the money matters a little more to me. Companies have concluded that employees are looking for a full benefits package. That is what reels and new employees and keeps them loyal to the company. If another company offers a better benefits package, an employee might leave for the better benefits package. Google is a company that provides one of the best benefits packages by catering to their employees. Google offers free meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (if you work a late shift). They also allow you to bring your pets to work. In San Francisco, there is a google bus that takes you to and from work daily. Google offers a generous maternity leave for mothers, which last for 18 weeks and six weeks for the dads. Also, Google gives massage credits as their way of saying a good job or job well done. What stood out to me the most about Google benefit package is that Google prefers that an employee have time to work on their passion. They have an 80/20 rule that an employee spends 80%of their time working and the other 20% pursuing things that make them happy. Another benefit that stood out to me from Google is their death benefits. Google offers an employee’s spouse stock and life insurance immediately; also, the spouse continues to receive half of the deceased employer’s salary for ten years and $1000 a month for any children left behind. Google is an excellent example of how a company should appreciate and value its employees. In return, the employee will be much happier working for the company and will like to have longevity in the workplace.

Retention Assignment

The most demotivating part of Harper’s job is the workload that she has complete since Jose left and the lack of recognition that she reserves for doing her work plus Jose’s work. If I was the HR manager meeting with David I would suggest to him to speak to Harper and thank her for taking on so much work in the absence of Jose and to thank I would suggest that David offer Harper Jose’s position. Losing Harper as an employee will cause even more work to build up for other employees. Also, if Harper was to leave the job then the company would have to find another employee and pay for the cost of training a new employee and even once the new employee is trained and ready to work she wouldn’t relieve the other employees of all the extra workload that Harper was handling because Harper was a seasoned employee.

Unit 5 Assignment Personality Assessment

Selena Andrews

BUS 311-1900

Prof. Buckley


The personality trait that the 16 Personalities assessment test gave me was the Defender personality trait. I was not surprised by this outcome because I have taken numerous personality traits, and I have received this trait more than once. Some of the defender character traits are supportive, reliable, imaginative, and observant, enthusiastic, loyal, and hardworking, which are strengths. The defender’s weakness characteristics are humble, shy, we take things too personally, we repress our feelings, overload ourselves, and reluctant to change. Though most of the traits I agree with, there are others that I thought didn’t describe me at all.


The strengths described in the personality assessment results I thought accurately depicted my character; also, I see how they can be great attributes in the workplace. Most companies would want to hire a potential candidate who is reliable, observant, enthusiastic, and hardworking. The results also stated that though the defender doesn’t seek out management positions, we are essentially great managers. Instead of just giving demands to the employees, the defender prefers to work with the employees side by side. If potential candidates had to take this test and I would look for those with the defender personality. Employees with the defender personality would be a great asset to the team of employees that will already be in place.


Some of the challenges that the defender personality faces are that they take things too personally, which means they may not respond well to constructive criticism. In a work environment, you are susceptible to such criticism. Defenders also tend to overload themselves, which can be a problem in the workplace. If the individual takes on too much work at once because they are afraid to say no or merely please everyone, it may become difficult to complete every task efficiently. Being humble and shy can be a downfall for the defender because, in an effort not to make someone feel less than, the defender may not take credit for specific ideas and tasks, which can cause them to be overlooked and possibly skipped for a promotion.


I think these personality tests are a great way to get a sense of the candidate, but it doesn’t accurately embody the candidate. For instance, a candidate may have a defender personality trait, but that doesn’t mean that the candidate has all the characteristics of this defender. Even with me, most of the defender attributes I agree with, but there were things that I did not agree with, such as reluctant to change, too altruistic, shy, and I also don’t think that I’m patient. So yes, this personality test can give you an idea of someone, but it shouldn’t be the sole bases of whether the person gets the job or not. Lastly, this assessment test, along with the interview, can tell you if the person is a good fit for the position depending on the duties of the job, but it would just be a general idea, not 100% accurate. I also don’t think that this test should erase the interviewing process.

Unit 4 LinkedIn assignment

Thank you professor for introducing us to Annie and Tiffany and for allowing them to provide us with so much knowledge that we can use to further our career. Annie showed me the proper way to write in the “about yourself” category which I always struggled with. I never know if I am putting too little or too much information and she provided me with the knowledge I need to complete that section and feel secure about what I wrote. What I took from Tiffany was a little similar to what I learned from Annie which is not to provide unnecessary information. Tiffany told me that it is certain things that an employer can’t ask you and that we shouldn’t provide them with more information that they need to know. I’ve had my LinkedIn page for quite some time but I never went back to actually complete my profile and with all the great information that I received from the live session I felt confident in going back and actually completing my profile with the intent to use it.


My LinkedIn profile link is

Equal rights assignment

The equal rights legislation has personally affected me because without equal rights a woman would never be able to hold a position that was supposed to be occupied by a man. Without the equal rights movement, my aunts would have never been allowed to join the military, my cousins would have never been allowed to be police officers, correction officers, lawyers, doctors, or even train and bus operators and I would not have been allowed to work in the post office. The equal rights amendment greatly affected women but also greatly affected men, it allowed men to be able to occupy positions that would have normally be occupied by women such as nurses, caregivers, teachers, and secretaries. This amendment allowed people to break the barriers of gender roles and not have to conform to the ways of society.

To think that the equal rights legislation was passed in 1972 is mind-boggling because my mother was born in 1966 and my dad in 1963 so that tells me that we have come a long way in such a short period of time. Even though we have made great progress we still have a long way to go. Though men and women are allowed to work in the positions and fields of their choosing there are still many ways men and women are not equal. There are employers who would still rather a man in certain positions over women and also men are paid noticeably more than women. Women are paid about 80 cents to the dollar that their male counterpart receives.

This is the reason why equal rights legislation is so important because I hope that when it’s time for my daughter into the workforce that she would be able to reap the benefits of this act. I would hope that she will have the same opportunities as any man and will be compensated equally the same way I would hope the same would happen for my nephews and cousins. This is also why Ruth Bade Ginsberg is important because she has always used her platform to promote equal opportunity for everyone. She continues to fight the good fight and continues to help change the laws the cause separation and division in the United States of America. Ruth Bader Ginsberg provides hope that we as a country is moving in the right direction and I hope that the next generation will continue in her footsteps to help promote change and equality in America.


Selena Andrews

I am a business management major and in my final year at BMCC with hopes to transfer to Baruch college next year. At Baruch plan to major in Business management with a concentration of Human Resource. After i graduate Baruch my goal is to complete my Master’s degree at the prestigious Howard University. My life long goal is to open a not for profit organization for at risk youth in low income neighborhoods similar to Geoffrey Canada’s Harlem Children’s Zone.