Personal_SWOT_Analysis_WorksheetAuthor Archives: Angelica Solis
Linkedin Assignment
SWOT Assignment
Equal Rights Assignment
Angelica R Solis
BUS 311-1900
September 6, 2020
Equal Employment and The Law
The true story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the movie “on the basis of sex” was a very inspiring film. This film showed the struggles of being a woman in the 1960s and how Ruth Ginsburg who is the main character in this film fought for equal rights. Ruth’s first encounter of discrimination came when she was in college. She was attending Harvard Law School when her husband receives the news of a new job offer. She would have to move from Massachusetts to New York, but Ruth wanted to finish her law degree at Harvard. Ruth knew that the dean of the school made accommodations to previous male students in the past and asked if she could continue her studies long distance. The dean refused her request and she made the decision to attend Columbia instead. This showed Ruth how males and females are treated differently, males having more of the upper hand than women.
Through the years she would experience many examples of gender discrimination. Ruth is determined to take a stand and change the way the world views male and female roles. Through the film Ruth challenges her male peers and does not back down. She makes sure she is being heard and that more importantly that the world recognizes that gender discrimination exists.
From 1964 to 1991, many legislation laws have been passed to ed inequality in the workplace. Many efforts have been made from then and we are still battling the equality fight. Many changes were made, and we continue to speak up, but the fact remains that discrimination still exists. We see that today every organization has their policies printed and in bold on Equal Opportunity. When we apply for jobs, we are always prompted to read these policies and to agree that we understand that the company does not discriminate and offers equal opportunities to all.
Ruth has become a huge inspiration and has paved the way for many of us woman to demand for equality and to fight against gender discrimination. Ruth started the women’s branch of the ACLU to protect woman and has successfully tackled laws that treated women as second-class citizens.

Angelica Solis
Hello my name is Angelica and I am a Business Management major. I am very interested in pursuing a career in HR. This will be my last semester and I am super excited to continue my education. My main hobbies include any outdoor activity, mainly because of my 5 year old daughter. She keeps me busy outside. One thing you should know about me is that my family is my number 1 motivation. Oh and that my favorite color is blue!