For our Unit 11 Assignment, we will reflect on our understanding of business ethics by exploring an ethical issue many educational institutions are currently facing: should we go remote, or have students of all ages come back to the classroom?
With COVID-19 ravaging the country and the world, what should the Human Resource managers who work in school systems advise leadership to do? Why is this controversial? Should teachers or parents have the stronger voice?
In our LIVE session on Wednesday, November 18th from 7:20pm – 8:35pm ET, we will be joined by Professor B’s mom (!), a first grade teacher in suburban New Jersey, who will share her experience with remote learning and in-person learning during COVID-19 in the 2019-2020 school year, and in the current 2020-2021 school year.
Here are the steps students should take to complete this assignment:
- Students should come to the live session having done research online into this topic, and with their main points drafted for discussion for their assigned side of the ethical issue (click here for assignments). Research should prepare students to answer the following questions:
– What is the ethical issue at hand? What are the two sides?
– What are the main concerns of the side you have been assigned to?
– What are the most compelling reasons that your side is “right?”
. - Students will have the opportunity to ask our guest lecturer questions about her experience at school since the pandemic hit the US and will assume one side of the debate (assignments are below). During our live class, we will break out into two groups, and the groups will have time to organize their thoughts and prepare their debate points before presenting to the rest of the class.
. - After the live session, students will be tasked with forming their own opinion of whether all students should be back in the classroom or whether remote learning should be mandatory as cases continue to rise all around the country.
. - Students will write a reflection on the debate and their own personal opinion of the side of the matter they agree with most.
To complete this assignment, students should follow this guide to create a post and select “Ethics” as the Category. All submissions will populate under the Student Work menu item (Student Work > Ethics). Students should review others’ submissions and comment meaningfully (refer to this guide from MMSU for reference) to at least two other students. For reference, here is the difference between a comment and a post — you will be using both for this assignment.
[When selecting a category, be sure to select a regular Category, NOT a Category Sticky. If you do this incorrectly, you will not see your post in the Student Work > Ethics section. See the image below for more information.]