Unit 7: Managing Careers & Retention

Welcome to Unit 7: Managing Careers & Retention! In this unit, we will explore how organizations work to balance employee ambition for advancement and satisfying business needs. We will also explore the concept of employee retention, some of the threats to retaining great employees for long periods of time, and how the workforce has fundamentally changed since our parents’ and grandparents’ generations were starting out. We will postulate how these employment trends will continue to evolve over the course of our careers and beyond, and understand the consequences and benefits the generations to come will face as a result.

In order to successfully complete this unit, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Read this Open Educational Resource (free to access):
  2. Listen to our Unit 7 Lecture (embedded below), which builds on the resource above and will help inform the way you listen to and interpret the film below.


  3. Complete our Unit 7 Assignment. You can find more details here.

As always, if you need more information, you can ask me a question. For information on due dates, check our Course Schedule.


¹⁵ “Human Resource Management” by eLearning Support InitiativeUniversity of Minnesota Libraries Publishing is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0