Global HR


Tyler Johnson Jr.                                                                                 Professor Buckler

BUS 311 – 1900                                                                                   December 1, 2020


What are the advantages of choosing a host-country national staffing strategy?

A host- country national staffing strategy has a few advantages. Primarily, this strategy helps eliminate cultural and language barriers within the organization.  Secondly, this strategy allows for a better understanding of the host country’s local rules and laws. This broadens the scope of the organizations cultural diversity and capabilities as opposed to the home-country national staffing strategy, which garners expertise in the local market. Also, a host-country strategy eliminates hiring costs such as visas, moving costs, and any other costs associated with acclimating the employee to the work environment.


Develop a compensation plan for each of the two countries, revising the current compensation for managers in the United States, if necessary. The compensation plan should include salary, benefits, and any fringe benefits to attract the most qualified people. The plan should also address any legal compensation requirements for both countries.

United States Mexico United Kingdom
Salary $55,084 MXN$384,288 or $19,403 £24,756 or $33,444
Benefits Medical





Child Care

Education Reimbursement






Child Care

Education Reimbursement






Child Care

Education Reimbursement

Addt’l Benefits 2% Profit Sharing

Uniform Allowance

Discounts at restaurant


2% Profit Sharing

Uniform Allowance

Discounts at restaurant


2% Profit Sharing

Uniform Allowance

Discounts at restaurant


Restaurant Manager Salary | (US)

Restaurant Manager Salary Mexico – SalaryExpert (MX)

Restaurant Manager Salary in United Kingdom | PayScale (UK)


Develop an outline for a training plan, making reasonable assumptions about the information a new manager would need to know at Fish to Go.

Pre-Employment Training/Certifications On-The-Job Training/Certifications (Recurring)
Food Safety/Food Handling EEO
Health Department Compliance Customer Service Optimization
Leadership & Management Leadership & Management
Customer Service Optimization Health Department Compliance


1 thought on “Global HR

  1. Jamel Purnell

    Great summary Tyler. I definitely agree that Host-Country National Strategy saves tons of money, and saves a company a great deal when it comes to learning cultural norms. Your child care benefit is interesting. I like how simplified your layout is. I did an actual PowerPoint lol! Great display of understanding.

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