

Gabriela Nishioka

BUS 311 – HR

During the pandemic, the biggest challenge to go through it has been how to manage protocols that work and protect everyone, regardless of age, social class, and background. Also, it has been challenging to make decisions not knowing for how long the pandemic will last. There is a feeling that any new protocol will benefit one group while drawback others.

One of the major obstacles is whether the school should remain closed and continue with virtual classes or reopen and have in person classes. The downside of going in person is the safety of the school staff are older and might be a group of risk; also kids in school are very hard to control they are wearing masks or not, the chances to spread the virus is higher than, of course, staying at home, on the other hand, it is important and healthy for everyone get out home and have social interaction, and that applies to grown-up and parents that need to work from home or go out to work and leave the kids at school. Also, there is a fear of keeping jobs and it is challenging to keep being productive at home or teach your kids and work. The quality of education is also compromised.

From my own experience, doing classes online has been very difficult, I can really focus and deliver my best. Mental health also has been hard for me, I struggle with anxiety and during this tough time has increased, but going to in-person class would be problematic, knowing I would be exposed to the virus.

Therefore, we have been for so long at home and not being able to socialize that everyone’s mental health has been compromised. In NYC for instance, where there is a lot of people from abroad living by themselves that are suffering a lot. I am one of them, I don’t have anyone here to take care of me if something happens, I can go back to my country if something happens with my family because of visa status that would not allow me to come back to finish school now that I am so close to graduate.

There are a significant amount of people that also don’t have a chance to stay home because need to work in person, like those who work in the restaurant industry, if they need to go back to close them, how these people will survive financially?

It is important to find a balance. In school at this point after a long period and without a time for this to end, I believe the best to be done and democratic will be for the students and parents decide whether they want in-person or online class because there will be always a risk, whether is getting the virus or losing their minds and jobs.

Those that are a group of risk should remain home and isolate themselves and the government should keep the financial support for them if possible. It will never have a perfect plan that covers everyone’s needs but give the individual a little opportunity to decide what is best for them, I believe this is the best way to solve this ethical dilemma.



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