When deciding to work for a company the first thing a person can think about are the organization benefits. Benefits in a company is what will make an employee gravitate more to the job . Such as sick days, vacation pay, health insurance and much more. Although these benefits get offered to full-time workers, part time workers should get similar work benefit treatment. At YMCA they offer their staff with amazing service , Some of the nontraditional benefits that are offered includes .
Gym/health/fitness membership. Which allows the staff to use a gym/pool at the site and discounts of gym memberships. The other perks of this organization is tuition reimbursement, college savings program, and commuter benefits. As a young adult/college student it is very hard to pay for school alone on top of commute fees. Knowing that I work with a company that can take the load off my shoulders in terms of school is always a plus especially living in the city.