Benefits and Services

Itza Garzon                                                                                                    Professor Brielle Buckler

11/08/2020                                                                                                    Bus 311-1900




Benefits and Services


When you think about applying for a job, there are a few factors that take into play. Most people would normally go for a job that is appealing to them or in a field that they see themselves in long term. However, with that also comes looking into jobs that have more to offer and by that, I mean employee benefits. Benefits play a big factor in attracting candidates as well as retaining them. There are many kinds of benefits that employers may offer such as bonuses, employee discounts, health insurance, workers compensation, paid vacations, medical leaves and the list goes on. These are a few of the benefits that some companies make available, and while they are not mandated companies who offer benefits show their interest and investment in an employee which help retain talent.


Companies are always looking for a way to keep their employers and avoid turnover rates at their companies to go up. By making benefits available to employees it shows that the company is appreciative of the work they have to offer. Although some companies do have a specific requirement in order to receive benefits such as being full time, when they attract the right people, they work hard to earn them. Gap Inc for example has a list of great and very Unique benefits. These benefits include healthcare, employee discounts, Savings and retirement plans, Stock plans, Paid time off, commuter programs, mental health programs and for me the most important would be tuition reimbursements.


For me some of the most important and most attracting benefits that have really stood out to me are Paid time off, Health insurance and lastly Tuition reimbursement. Life can get crazy and sometimes you have unexpected life events that happen as well as wanting to take time off just because you need a break however some people struggle to take time off because well we all need the money and so they feel tied to their job , by offering paid time off you are able to have a good work life balance and employees will appreciate feeling like their job won’t be at risk for taking personal time. Health insurance is also very important to many, it can be very expensive to get health insurance and for your job to be able to provide that to you is great it relieves some stress in the event that you have to visit a doctor or in case of an emergency. To me the most important is tuition reimbursement, to me this is the one that stood out the most, being a student and working fulltime can be stressful and while this is not a traditional benefit it is one that would be very appreciated by those who want to continue their education but want to work as well. In many companies the majority of workers are students by being able to offer them something it will keep them interested and as well as keeping them engaged at work. Ideally pay is really important, however I would consider a lower pay to keep the benefits that suit me the most and that I prefer over the pay. When a company is able to offer you something that may not be as assessable otherwise its definitely something id consider.

With companies becoming more and more competitive it is important to stand out and have something that employees look forward to. It will make your employers more loyal and will help the company retain talent. One sustainable benefit is healthcare it is the one that stands out the most to employees when companies can offer this to them and about 61% of workers have said they are very satisfied at their companies for being able to offer healthcare. In the long run benefits will always play a big part in attracting and retaining employees.


2 thoughts on “Benefits and Services

  1. Nadya Dunkley

    Hi Itza

    I agree that companies are trying to avaoid turnover rates. You also made a great point when you mentioned that mental health benefits is a great benefit. A lot of times employees have behavioral management issues at work becuse they are struggling mentally with issues such as depression, and anxiety. If employers were to invest more in addressing mental health issues even if it isnt work related I can see how that would help to retain valuable employees.

  2. heaven jarrett

    hi ,

    I would agree that a company that offers college tuition reimbursement is a plus for us due to most people struggling financially . College is very expensive and to not have any help paying for school puts more stress on yourself . In addition to that you mention sick days / pay i would say that is also something everyone should get with working at any company as things do pop up .

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