
When most people think of employee benefits, people tend to think of monetary value, such as compensation. Thankfully in the year, 2020 businesses offer so much more than just a paycheck. Companies now provide other benefits such as health insurance, cost of living adjustments (COLA), stock options, and tuition reimbursement, to name a few. Depending on where you are working, for example, a big city such as New York City or a small suburban town, the cost of living is different. It cost more to live in a big city versus a small town, so a company may offer a higher salary to those that work and reside in the city than in a small town; this is called a cost of living adjustment. Another benefit is the tuition reimbursement; more and more companies are promoting higher education and are willing to assist their employees by offering them cash back for paying for their tuition. Something to note to receive tuition reimbursement, your degree, or trade must be beneficial to the job. If I had to choose a benefit that is important to me, I would choose paid time off and sick leave. As a mother of a 7-year-old daughter, I find myself having to call out of work or take a day off due to doctor’s appointments, school closing, and sickness, so it’s important to me that I work with a company that doesn’t scrutinize you for needing to take the day off. Also, I’m unwilling to sacrifice my paycheck to increase my benefits, so the money matters a little more to me. Companies have concluded that employees are looking for a full benefits package. That is what reels and new employees and keeps them loyal to the company. If another company offers a better benefits package, an employee might leave for the better benefits package. Google is a company that provides one of the best benefits packages by catering to their employees. Google offers free meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (if you work a late shift). They also allow you to bring your pets to work. In San Francisco, there is a google bus that takes you to and from work daily. Google offers a generous maternity leave for mothers, which last for 18 weeks and six weeks for the dads. Also, Google gives massage credits as their way of saying a good job or job well done. What stood out to me the most about Google benefit package is that Google prefers that an employee have time to work on their passion. They have an 80/20 rule that an employee spends 80%of their time working and the other 20% pursuing things that make them happy. Another benefit that stood out to me from Google is their death benefits. Google offers an employee’s spouse stock and life insurance immediately; also, the spouse continues to receive half of the deceased employer’s salary for ten years and $1000 a month for any children left behind. Google is an excellent example of how a company should appreciate and value its employees. In return, the employee will be much happier working for the company and will like to have longevity in the workplace.

1 thought on “Benefits

  1. Ishraq

    Hi selena I totally agree with your statement about how it costs a lot more to live in a big city rather then a small town. As well as having a bigger salary if you live in a bigger city because the cost of living is higher so it differentiates based on location

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