
During this time, many people have gone unemployed due to the pandemic. Before this coronavirus happened, everyone had jobs. There are several organizations that offer benefits in the job, such as medical, dental, vision, etc. The United States Department Of Labor, has a specific program called, “Federal Employees Health Benefit Program” which allows the employees and their family to get the health insurance that they need. The Department Of Labor has various benefits that can be added if the employee decides to have a small amount of their payroll deduct in order for them to have these services. Some organizations are changing their operation to incorporate new benefits for employees, by having 401k which allows employees to save money for their retirement which all jobs do not offer.

My personal favorite benefit is the medical and dental benefit. The reason why I favor the medical benefit is because I have access to good medicine which allows me to be safe for my family and for work. The medical benefit allows me to add my family members so they will receive just the same type of care I am receiving from my medicaid. The reason why I would accept a Lower rate of pay in order to gain the benefits, so I don’t have to be worried about paying my medical expenses. If I were not to be receiving medicaid from my job, I would be paying the full amount that the hospital, or clinic charges me.

Researchers say that these benefits are paying off in the long run for companies, in my opinion these “perks” that the companies provide for their employees are a good thing. Without these benefits provided from the companies, the companies wouldn’t have reliable employees to work with them. These “perks” are sustainable due to the fact that these benefit help the employees as individuals.

2 thoughts on “Benefits

  1. Itza Garzon

    First i want to mention how well you made your points come across, we are living through a very different moment than before Covid and i think many have definitely suffered because of it. I agree with you 100% being able to have medical insurance is very important especially during these times.

  2. Richard Kearse

    Agreed, medical expenses are really expensive! Having this deduction out of your paycheck biweekly or weekly is an asset because it is beneficial to you and your family. It also assists you with lower rates on your prescribed medicine. So, I think having that is a plus!

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