Equally paying has been a current concern and a topic the companies are dealing with recently when a lot of movements are bringing up some issues regardless of this topic. Woman historically has always been seen as less valued than men in the work field for different reasons. But gender is not only the only reason that companies used to use it as an “ excuse” to pay unequally. Race, age, origin are also other reasons. More and more people are speaking up for themselves and changing this scenario.
As an HR of a company, they should create policies and “ metrics” to be able to make pays fair and even among the same positions. What are some sort of skill levels and qualifications that makes pays a little different but not as much as it is today.
This way employees have some sort of guidance and reference on the paid employee is getting according to the companies values, culture, and benefits.
My plan would include a job evaluation, to use a system to determine the value of the job about other job holes in the company to guarantee fair pay. Also, I would compare the job hole in the market to be able to compare and be competitive to keep the best candidates and retain them.
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I agree with your post that gender diversity in the employment is yet to be realized due to the view of women as the lesser gender. Other issues leading to unfair payment include race, age, and ethnic origin thus the need to create policies that guarantee fair renumeration despite the background. I would also support your plan of doing a job evaluation and assigning the correct renumeration for all in a specific job category. Comparing with the market rates will also ensure a competitive salary while at the same time maintaining equality.