Nadya Dunkley
October 18, 2020
Unit 7 Managing Careers & Retention
- What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?
I think the most demotivating part of Harpers job is working in the same role for 4 years going above and beyond for a company and still haven’t gotten an advantage to advance and not only that the worst ;part is her not knowing how to change her situation. She is doing the most work and yet still she is not being recognized for her contributions.
- If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help them re-engage Harper?
Make time to help Harper and the other associates with organizing and prioritizing their workload. David needs to schedule an equally distributed amount of time each moth for each member of his team to have one on one meetings to discuss learning and development. I would explain to David how important it is to help employees feel valued and experience job satisfaction from having careers where there are opportunities to learn and develop. David needed to create a culture of open communication by asking for and giving feedback to the people who work under and above him. David should also perform an appraisal on each member of his team to get a better idea of what the actual position of each member is. This will lead to him gaining a better understanding of who his team really is and where they really stand. David would also need make sure that employees are treated fairly by distributing the work and extra workload between the all employees fairly and recognizing and rewarding them according to their extra efforts and accomplishments. I would also suggest that hed suggest to harper to put in for some time off to recaliberate her minf towards her job and help her recreate her work life balance by getting the much needed rest she deserves.
- What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee?
The downside of losing Harper as an employee is training someone to perform at Harpers level not only that but if no one that is already on the team was ready to fill Harpers role which it doesn’t seem like anyone else was ready because most of the work was still being distributed to Harper then they would also need to hire someone and train them to do the job. When you hire new employees, you open the doors to uncertainly knowing what that new employee can do. It would also take the new employee some time to build up dedication and loyalty to and for such a tough work environment. What they would really be losing is Harpers passion which is what is responsible for her drive and enables her to be great at her job by enables her to do much more than everyone else.