
Richard Kearse

Bus 300 Section 1900

I’ve been in something similar to Harper’s situation. Yes, it is very demotivating! Not to get too personal, but my father has been on his death bed a few times from mid’ 2017 to ’19. I wasn’t motivated to do any work but provide for my mother. And fulfill the emptiness that my father basically left behind due to his illness! My focus was on my mother because I didn’t want my mother to stress so I’ve decided to work twice as a sales associate for Victoria Secret! Being the best at it as well, in my opinion! Fast forward, a year later, I got a promotion to beauty. I’ve become very close to my beauty manager, discussed my goals and my passion. He saw potential in my work,  spoke to the higher-ups, and basically put in a good word for me. Six to eight months later, there’s an opening in the corporate office as an IT Technician. I went and was able to obtain this position. There was a waiting process and in that process, my beauty manager happened to get fired! With him getting fired, management started to test me. To see if I was capable of this position so I took upon his role and manage the beauty. It was stressful, but I knew, in the long run, it’ll pay off.

If I was an HR manager meeting with Harper’s Supervisor, David, I would see what he’s intentions with Harper because maybe he’s testing her like how management was testing me! Then, I would personally have a one on one with Harper to see where her head is at. See if there’s any conflict and de-escalate whatever issue there is. Finally, I would have a sit down with both David and Harper to discuss the confrontation between the parties!

Losing an employee like Harper or myself would be an issue because were an asset to the company. It’s better to have someone that is passionate about what they do on a task, instead of someone who is just doing the task just cause. Plus she knows the back office of work, I think she’s a value to them! And they should do everything in their will to please her or to satisfy.

As time has gone by I’ve learned that you never know an individual’s situation, a “hey, how you doing?” or a “hey” can go a long way and have an impact on someone’s life! Also not to take everything negatively because everything has its reason or purpose!

I don’t know if I was clear about my father and his illness guys but he’s still alive. Just at that point in my life, I’ve learned how to prioritize and execute tasks that I’m passionate about.

For whom it may concern!

Thank you,

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