Gilbert Ramos
Bus 311-1900
If i were in Harper’s position I would feel flat out bummed out! When i worked at the high school I also faced something similar to this. My old boss was great. We chatted a lot about sports, life and about what I have planned out for the future. The day he told me that he would be leaving in the following month was hell. I had worries about who the new boss would be? how will the new boss treat me? since there were rumors that she was bringing along staff from her old job, and if i would even have my job once she comes. So a lot of uncertainty and questions during that month which felt like eternity. And when they new boss came in just as Harper states it in the study case, workload was a lot and so overwhelming. Nothing sucks more than having a great bond with a boss or even a coworker and having to see them leave. You really feel it.
After reading the “Eight effective Retention strategies”, I was stuck between a couple of options. These were, create a culture of open communication, make it a priority to help employees feel valued and don’t overburden employees. So, since I have to pick up just one it’ll be create a culture of open communication. I believe if Harper was able to freely speak her mind and talk with David even though he was busy, this could have open the door to try to work something out so she wont be so overwhelmed. Maybe even bring in talks of hiring someone new to fill Jose’s spot. Would the talk make things better right away? No, but It’ll at least be in their attention that one of their coworkers are not happy because of the workload.
The most demotivating part besides losing her old boss I would say is Harper being able to communicate with David because he is too busy managing the others. The advice I would give to help them re-engage with Harper is have a certain day of the week, and have employees come in to express themselves for a short period of time (open door policy). The downside of losing someone like Harper is the lost of productivity. Since Harper has been working for that company for awhile, getting a new employee to reach the productivity as of Harpers can be tough.
Hi Gilbert, I definitely agree with you. I believe most people would be bummed out and down about the situation in the case study. It is a great idea to touch baizes with each employee on certain days of the weeks almost like checking in. Open communication and making employees feel empowered and appreciated are two of the many important tools that can greatly improve the jobs atmosphere, boost the teams morale, and can increase employee retention rate. great read thank you.