A case of Disengagement Case Study
Question 1: What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper‘s job?
The departure of her manager Jose mostly demotivates her. The new boss David has had very little communication with her. Still, he has assigned her more duties that are not only overburdening her but also left with very little time to strike a balance between work and her personal life. Similarly, Jones feels undervalued, overburdened, and not involved in the organization’s affairs and is contemplating quitting the organization.
Question 2: If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper‘s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help them re-engage Harper?
As the HR manager, I would advise David, Harper‘s immediate supervisor, to create a transparent culture of open communication and make it a priority in helping Harper feel valued. David should spare some time weekly to share with Jones by providing constructive feedback to prioritize her work schedules and feel part of the team. Moreover, David shouldreview Harper‘s workload by redistributing some of her current duties to other staff to help her strike a balance between work and her personal life (Scalco). Harper should be paid an additional remunerative package to compensate for the extra duties and reinforce her efforts in helping the company achieve its objectives.
Question 3: What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee?
Losing Harper as an employee will prove expensive to the organization. It is costly to hire a suitable replacement than retaining existing and effective staff. The company would also need to train the new employee on the company’s culture and values. This activity is costly as it consumes colossal sums of money and time. Additionally, Jones has grown with the company and mastered the organization’s culture, and the new employee that would possibly replace her would take time to match her competence.
Works Cited
A Case of Disengagement
Scalco, Dan. “8 Effective Employee Retention Strategies.” Zippia For Employers, 19 June 2017, www.zippia.com/employer/8-effective-employee-retention-strategies/. Accessed 16 Oct. 2020
I would first like to say how well organized you decided to do the assignment. I agree with you that her boss departures is the most demotivating part. In addition to her boss leaving she now has one that she is not too fond of. We also would approach the situation in a similar way advising avid to create an open environment within the workplace. If there is open communication that will allow the workplace to be somewhere she wants to be. I think you are also spot on about how much they would lose by harper leaving the company. To have to spend time to train someone new while losing someone with that much experience would be extremely harmful