
After reading the Case of Disengagement, I think the most demoralizing part was her previous boss Jose leaving the job. I think with this case study things could Of turned out a lot better but instead her workload increased, she doesn’t have a rapport with her new boss, and she doesn’t feel appreciated in the work she does.  With Harper being an employee for 4 years  and losing her previous boss she is very important to the company because she is experienced doing a huge part of the work.

As a HR manager, I would give Harper’s supervisor three pieces of advice.The first piece of advice would be number 2 in the 8 effective employee retention  strategies. Establishing clear cut expectations and policies in the workplace is very important  because if you don’t it can be very frustrating effecting workplace morale and ethic. The second would be create a culture of open communication because Harper previously had that with Jose so to have a new boss and not have that can create an awkward environment. The last piece of advice I would give is,  make it a priority to make an employee feel valued  so don’t overburden employees. This is Harper’s key reason for leaving so he would have to fix this one first.

Losing harper as an employee would hurt the company in many ways. The first way it would hurt is in terms of what she brings to the company. Her previous boss already left and she is now playing two roles within the company with job responsibility. When she leaves now you have no one to do the job along with having to fill two positions. In my opinion if she can do both I think she should be filling her old supervisors role within the company. Second if she was to live you lose an employee with experience  in the company. You can never replace someone who has 4 years in the same position overnight and replacing a hard worker with experience takes time

3 thoughts on “Retention

  1. Shang Cheng

    Hi Dimitri, I like your valuable advises based on the article eight effective employee retention strategies, especially your point of view to have clear-cut expectation and policies so both employees and employers understand the job duties of each position. I also feel that the unclear description on the job duties is one of the main reasons caused the low retention rate in small business. Many small business owners expect employees to know other team members’ job duties and ask them cover for each other, this often overburden the employees.

  2. Selena Andrews

    Hi Dimitri,

    I agree with your suggestion but I would also promote her to fill Jose’s position. Since she has been with the company 4 years and know what needs to be done. She also knows Jose’s work and she should be able to fill the position because company’s should promote within before hiring from an outside source.

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