My Take Away from the Expert Session with Annie and Tiffany
My biggest takeaways from the expert session with Annie and Tiffany is the importance of LinkedIn in the current times where everything is going digital and also some important pointers to apply during interviews.
This session has helped me understand that a LinkedIn profile is not like a common social media profile even though it looks like one. A LinkedIn profile should be professional as it helps to speak about your to potential clients or employers. The profile should have a nice photo of you noting that this should not necessarily be a serious photo, a smiling face is more attractive and it attracts people to view your profile. I have also learnt that my LinkedIn profile should be constantly updated with recent personal contacts and also with recent professional progress.
In regard to interviews, one of my greatest take away from this session was the importance of being honest to the interviewer because they do not expect you to be perfect or t know everything. I have learnt that when you are honest, you have confidence and you are able to answer any questions that the interviewers have. I have also learnt that it is always important never to rush for an interview, always take time to prepare for an interviewconsidering the perspective of the interviewer. This means that you research on the organisation offering you a job and some of the expected interview questions for the position that you are applying for. When an individual is well prepared for an interview, they are confident and find it much easier to answer interview questions.
This expert session with Annie and Tiffany has really been educative for me and it will help me become a better in my profession.