Gilbert Ramos
Bus 311
After taking the 16personlaities, I can say that I do agree on the traits (Introverted, Observant, Feeling, Prospecting, Turbulent) and strategy (Constant Improvement). But when I say the type as Adventurer (ISFP-T) at first, I disagreed right away because when Adventurer comes to mind, I see if as someone who travels a lot or likes to be around big crowds. As soon as I began to read the introduction Is when I started to agree with my type. Examples in the introduction is how Adventurers have a certain irresistible charm when connecting with others, being an Introvert and being sensitive to others feelings.
One of my assigned strengths that really defines me here but I also see it as a weakness is easily relating to others’ emotions, helping them to establish harmony and good will, and minimize conflict (Sensitive to others). If I see a friend of mines struggling or having a hard time dealing with a certain situation my immediate reaction is finding a way to solve this problem and at least doing my best to make them feel better, even if its at least 5% better than before. Even if its in a position I have never been before, I think my hardest and try to put myself in their shoes. Why do I find this as a weakness? Because this type of effort and thought that I put to others I cannot put for myself. It is also hard for me to reach out to others if I need advice or at least some type of feed back without feeling like a burden to them.
During High school I was never the popular kid but one of my strengths that made me naturally likeable and popular was my charming personality. Yes, as an introvert at the beginning it was difficult for me to start a conversation or just click with someone right away how others will do naturally. But once I get comfortable with that person(s). Such as not trying to be someone I am not (authentic), I like to encourage others and making people feel good about themselves.
Some challenges assigned to my personality trait that play out in my personal life is being easily stressed and dealing with my fluctuating self-esteem. As stated in the results when situations get out of control I tend to shut down. For example, this semester there is one class that is always haunting me in the back of my mind. All the overthinking and stress makes me procrastinate far too much and second guess myself or my work. Having low self-esteem at work is a huge pain because I end up having low confidence in my abilities and makes me second guess. These are 2 challenges I definitely need to work on.
No, personality test is not an effective way to determine whether a candidate is right for a role because anyone can lie to make themselves look good or have great results for that role. Its is better suited to determine whether a candidate is fit for the role in an interview. I would interview that candidate in person so I can observe his body language and how well he answers situational questions. If anyone disagrees with this I am more than happy to hear your side.
What’s up Gilbert, Your assessment is very interesting. I can see how at first glance being called an Adventurer could be misunderstood. I made the same mistake with my assessment. I agree with your viewpoint on the assessment not being effective way to determine if a candidate is right for a job. I had almost the same exact view point. great read.