LinkedIn – Gabriela´s profile

Last week we had a great session with Tiff and Annie about HR and for me personally, it was amazing!!  It was positively surprising. I had questions about how to get into the work field as an immigrant, how to change careers, and how to manage a large gap in your resume and they had answers for all them. I was not expecting a “solution” for the gap in my resume and Annie explained to me about survival jobs that I have never heard of that before and gave me hope to have my resume looking good again. Tiff also gave tips on how to connect to the interviewer without getting personal, it was nice to understand more about American culture professionally.

Below, is my LinkedIn profile for a better understanding of my education and work experience.
Thank you!

4 thoughts on “LinkedIn – Gabriela´s profile

  1. Selena Andrews

    Hey Gabriela I am happy that Annie and Tiffany was able to answer the questions that you needed to make you feel more comfortable with the interview process. What I took from them were key points to entering into the HR field because that is what I plan to use my degree for and the provided me with ample knowledge to get started. Wishing you much success in your future career.

  2. Dimitri Jones

    Hey Gabriella
    Your questions during the session actually helped me as well when it came to gaps in the resume. Just like yourself I learned about the term survival jobs and I was happy they were able to help you answer your questions.

  3. May Cortez

    I felt the same way too! It was amazing! I am actually looking to change careers and do Human Resources. It was great to see Tiff and Annie guide us through the questions asked and providing solutions to those questions. I feel like they set us in the right direction and am confident that my LinkedIn will not only show my past achievements and jobs but also which direction in my career I am heading.
    Thank you for sharing that Gabriela.

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