Let me first say I enjoyed the live session with Annie and Tiffany. My favorite part was the breakaway. I was paired with Annie and Tyler as my group. The one on one time was extremely valuable as she helped us both with real-world answers to questions about anxiety, as well as simplifying one’s biggest strengths and biggest weakness. My biggest take away from this assignment was to always market your self the way you want people to view you professionally, Smile, give insight, and be real. Professionalism is most certainly a big highlight for me also. I was able to learn how I can use Linkedin to professionally market myself and my brand. Before this assignment, I neglected my LinkedIn account not realizing how powerful a tool it is. In the growing age of social media and the open job market, this platform for me serves as a combination of just the right amount of both. I neglected the platform because years ago when I first set up my account. I couldn’t figure out exactly what the benefits were, and how I could make it work for me and my businesses. I had no clue how to formally use the platform as a marketing tool to attract jobs looking to hire professionals in the field, as well as C.E.O’s being able to market their company to attract a diverse melting pot of potential new hire candidates. I welcome all my classmates to connect as we begin our journey’s in the world of business. I’ve attached my LinkedIn URL just below.
Hey Jamel,
I agree with you completely because before this class I really didn’t see a purpose for LinkedIn. Just like yourself I wasn’t able to figure out how to capitalize off the site or use it to benefit myself. Your right because it it very powerful and provides a professional environment where we can network. I’ll be reaching out to connect with you on Linkedin for sure