On the Basis of Sex

Miko Nourieli Feb 7, 2021

Bus 311 Brielle Buckler

On the Basis of Sex

Everyone deserves to be who they want to be. I believe that, and so did Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Humans are extremely complex creatures and everyone has different beliefs, interests, skills, abilities, likes, dislikes. People can be very different from each other but at the same time we are all the same. We are all stuck here on this rock floating through space circling a giant ball of fire and plasma, meanwhile for years and years we have discriminated against other human beings just because of what they look like, who they are, or where they are from. Since I am a seemingly white male (I say seemingly because my skin is white, although my father is from the Middle East and my mother is puerto rican), I do get certain ‘benefits’ for being white because there are still people to this day who judge and characterize people solely based on the color of their skin and prefer to associate themselves with people who are of a certain skin tone or color. This is obviously terrible because there are so many different humans that someone like that is just missing out on interacting with and talking to and possibly learning something from. I love speaking to anyone I can about anything I can because I always like to hear new ideas and hear different ideas from mine so that I can learn from them and myself about how to be a better person. I think its very important for people to speak with each other and treat others with respect no matter what a person’s beliefs, their race, their sex, any of that. Today the country is so extremely divided that it’s really sad and makes me very upset. No matter where you are on the political spectrum you must agree that the country being so divided doesn’t help anyone, and only makes it worse for everyone. I think we all need to start treating people with respect and actually listen to them and their ideas no matter how ridiculous(Ruth Bader Gunsburgs were ridiculous to some people during that time), and maybe provide ways they can improve in a respectful manner. Equal Rights legislation has made it so that people can be in the career and industry that they want to be in. Of course theres still some way to go in terms of pay gaps and sexual harassment in the workplace and things like that but those are also very complicated problems that we need deal with reasonably. I thought It was really powerful when in the last part of the court case when Ruth Bader Ginsburg said “100 years ago, I would not have the right to stand before you”. That’s just crazy, I couldn’t even imagine myself being a lawyer, it’s just something that I wouldn’t be good at, I’m a terrible debater and even worse when there is someone debating against me and proving me wrong, but I still have the choice. If I wanted to I could start law school today and work really hard to become a lawyer, and that’s the point. People should just be able to choose what they want to do, if a man wants to become a nurse, let him. If a woman wants to fight for her country just like thousands of men before her, she should be able to do that. Luckily today we have those options, men can be in traditionally women dominated fields and vice versa. I think all it does is give us better doctors, soldiers, lawyers, engineers, nurses, scientists.  Wouldn’t someone do their job better if they actually enjoyed what they were doing and wanted to do it. We all need to start treating each other with respect and love and not hate or anger.


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