In my opinion the best option for the world due to COVID was to shut down everything. In Which includes all schools around the city and continue remote. Going remote was very hard for teachers , students , and parents not knowing what can happen next . For the mayor to say the increase of the virus is to high for us to leave our house it was a very scary moment. The transition of students doing all their work online was a huge task because most didn’t have the resources for school or dependent on meals . Most kids came from broken homes or group homes and used that time in -person to engage with their friends or teacher. Due to covid I was on the side of having school remote because I was able to have more flexibility with my schedule , but being a college student the transition was easier than for younger kids . Younger students had to get adjusted to staying home in the comfort of wearing their pajamas while doing school on zoom . Which affected their parents because the only people that could work were the essential workers . So a lot of families needed help with child care as they would depend on the child being in school all day . And if you weren’t essential you had no form of income for your family as this could also stress you out on top of the virus increase. Both decisions had there own pros and cons but for the safety of all going remote fully was the better option in this case .
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I totally agree with your statement Heaven, it definitely becomes difficult for the essential workers who have children that they can’t take care of because of their jobs. It also has a great risk to it because they can get infected with the virus like that.