
Ishraq Uddin

BUS 311-1900


  • What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?

The Most demotivating part of Harper’s job is having her prior boss Jose leave because she got along well with her former boss and she was the most confident and comfortable with him. Then after Jose leaving she had to pick up more responsibilities because they couldn’t hire another boss to fill in his spot. Instead they go for a Boss who has more responsibilities so he is unable to provide help for her which makes it harder for her to work.


  • If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help them re-engage Harper?

If I was the HR manager meeting with the supervisor David, I’d tell him to have a weekly evaluation for his workers to get to know them and their workload and what their specific responsibilities are to try to improve them. If he does evaluations it would let Harper have a chance to tell David what is going on in her work. It would also help all the employees be on the same page so they can work together as a team.

  • What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee?

The downside of losing Harper would be big for the employee because Harper does tasks that the Bosses do. So it’ll be a huge loss on the employee because they’d need a huge gap to fill after losing Jose as well so that’ll make all the workers have a strenuous workload which would make it difficult for the other workers to accomplish. So they would experience the same issues that Harper would be going through and they would soon realize that Harper was a big factor in their company.

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