Retention Assignment

The most demotivating part of Harper’s job is the workload that she has complete since Jose left and the lack of recognition that she reserves for doing her work plus Jose’s work. If I was the HR manager meeting with David I would suggest to him to speak to Harper and thank her for taking on so much work in the absence of Jose and to thank I would suggest that David offer Harper Jose’s position. Losing Harper as an employee will cause even more work to build up for other employees. Also, if Harper was to leave the job then the company would have to find another employee and pay for the cost of training a new employee and even once the new employee is trained and ready to work she wouldn’t relieve the other employees of all the extra workload that Harper was handling because Harper was a seasoned employee.

1 thought on “Retention Assignment

  1. Nadya Dunkley

    Hi Selena,

    I totally agree with you sugestion that if Harper were to leave that the company would have to invest money in hiring and training a new employee. Even when new employees learn how to do the job that the job as well as the previous employee it still rakes quite some time for an employee to develop loyalty and dedication to a particular job and position which is what sets most high performers apart from the rest of the associate population. I agree Harper was indeed a well seasoned emplolyee and it is always a great lost to thr company and the team when losing seasoned employees.

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