After reading this case study, i believe for Harper the most demotivating part was Jose’s departure. She had someone who she did not only see as a boss or leader but as someone who seemed interested in her career development and in her as an individual. With harper having to step up and take up more workload it created a extra level of stress and led her to not be able to manage her work/life balance. Which i think is very important to be able to do no matter how much you enjoy your job.
Putting myself in Harpers shoes i can see where the frustration is taking over . She doesn’t feel that same connection she had with her former boss and feels as if she is falling behind. She also mentions that before she always felt like she knew what was going on and in the look where now David doesn’t seem to have the same type of communication.
If i were an HR manager meeting with David i would be sure to have hi understand why Harper is such an asset to the company. And that in order to reengage her he really needs to put the time into her as an individual. with her being there for 4 years he should really be working closely to her in her career development and who knows maybe she can even be the next Jose. She is responsible and enjoys her job but she is also overwhelmed and when an employee feels over burden it starts showing in their work.
As i said Harper seems to be a great asset to the company. She has taken in the responsibility and i don’t think its that she doesn’t want to do it i believe its just a lot on her plate and has not been able to communicate with David because he doesn’t have the same amount of time that Jose did.If she were to be lost as an employee that could greatly impact the company and how much gets done. I think the best thing to do is to have an open communication and for David to listen to Harpers concerns about what is going on.
I agree with you that the new manager needs to give her time as an individual and appreciate her for the the work. The manager also needs to work on communication. And this is true that Harper is a great asset to the company, if she leaves it might not be the same.
I would first like to say I agree with all of the points you touched on for each question. It is extremely important to have a boss that appreciates you and take pride in your growth and development. I think the first step for David is showing appreciation for everything Harper brings to the company As a new boss coming into the work environment you have to make relationships with the employees realizing how they important they are to the company.
Hello ,
I can agree with Harper being very frustrated as all the workload is weighing heavy on her end . And she doesn’t have any help either , working close to someone then having a new supervisor. The dynamic of the workplace has changed for her and she haven’t adjust to the new day to day work.