Personality Test – 16 Personalities

Richard Kearse

BUS 311 Sect. 1900

Personality Test

  • Describe your personality type, as determined by the assessment. Do you agree with the results? Why or why not?
  • What are the assigned strengths of this personality type? What are some challenges? Do you see these playing out in your work or personal life?
  • Are personality tests effective ways to determine whether a candidate is right for a role? Why or why not?

After taking the 16 Personalities test, I’ve learned a bit about myself. I was in denial with the results and I didn’t agree with being described as a “The Advocate” (INFJ-T) with the traits introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging and turbulent. As I thought about it the friendships I’ve encountered; I think the 16 personalities test was VERY accurate! I am an individual who very calm and collective who can care less about how others perceive me as. But, also one who goes above and beyond for an individual and putting themselves before me.

One of the assigned strengths that stood out to me during this personality test is creative. When I am in “creative mode” I am very passionate about what I present to others. That’s why I am willing to give my all! Some challenges that I face is that I tend to overwork myself, knowing that I am exhausted but, me wanting me to be a perfectionist. Overthinking every project thinking it’s never enough. However, in my workplace, I do see my strengths and weaknesses being an issue one might not like how I’m outspoken and what let anything be brushed off.

Although my 16 personality test was accurate, I do not think it’s appropriate to determine if an individual is right for you through a test! I do think it is important if you established a genuine, deep conversation with the person you care about. Give an individual a chance! I believe everyone deserves a chance and to be heard out. Even if you think its stupidity, hear them out. Because maybe just hearing them out can open your mind to a side that you’ve never been before.

Even though I was in denial with the results from the 16 personalities test, it made it realize and cherish the person that I am. With my energy, versatility and positivity can impact someone’s life. Just being that extra hand or shoulder for some when they’re rock bottom can mean a lot to someone.

“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being.”

By Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe


2 thoughts on “Personality Test – 16 Personalities

  1. Shang Cheng

    Hi Richard, it is very interesting that I was denial on the result in the beginning and later I found that the test is so accurate at some point and it helped me understand myself better. I also do agree that in the hiring process the personality test can’t be the only source to evaluate if the candidate fit for the job.

    1. Richard Kearse Post author

      It’s okay to implement it into your hiring process, but to full out dismiss someone because of their personality is flat out wrong! Give an individual a chance and hear them out because not everyone is great at taking exams or interviews. The adrenaline and nervousness that I get during interviews make me sweat, stutter, and forgetfulness.

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