Personality Assessment

Jean Chen                                                                                                                        October 4, 2020

BUS300                                                                                                                 Professor Brielle Buckler

Unit 5: Personality Assessment 

Based on the 16 Personalities assessment, it concluded that I am a Mediator INFP-T (Turbulent Mediator).  A brief summary of Mediators (INFP); we are described as individuals that value authenticity, morale, empathy, and harmony. We are also often sensitive and very in tune with the feelings of others and ourselves. While reading my results, I found it creepily accurate. Even though I found the results to be accurate, I don’t believe personality tests should be the/a dealbreaker for potential employees.

Some of the strengths presented in my results are: Mediators are said to be thoughtful, open-minded, find joy in bringing others joy, passionate and are loyal to their values. Usually very self-critical, the constant self-analyzation is the driving force to continue to do better and be better. I find all of that to be playing out in my life. Growing up it was sometimes difficult to see eye-to-eye with my Chinese immigrant parents but I learned to put myself in their shoes first, coming from years of one way of thinking it is difficult to change. So I compromise. All in all, it’s helped me develop effective communication skills. also hit it on the nose on the weaknesses. We (INFP) are said to be overly idealistic, impractical, emotionally driven, and conflict-averse people.  Being overly idealistic or being too emotionally driven can cause us to lose focus on the goal. All of which are applicable to my life and have proved to be a challenge in my work and personal life. In terms of management, these traits are not ideal. As it will be difficult to set boundaries, offer criticism, receive criticism, even if it is necessary.

A personality test may give an employer a broad overview of an employee but it should not be the ultimator, just like how a C student doesn’t reflect that the person is an incapable worker. However it could help the employer understand the potential employee and what’s the employee’s driving force. To base a person’s entire potential and skill-set on a personality test is simply too shallow.

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