Personality Assesment

Nadya Dunkley

October 4, 2020

Professor Buckley

BUS 311 [1900]


Unit 5/ Personality Assessment

My personality type is the advocate. I was surprised that this assessment was so accurate. According to the assessment people like myself with they personality type of an advocate tend to enjoy looking out for people or as they call it “people watching”. This is very true. I have quite some experience in supervision and leadership. Even when I try to avoid it I always end up being placed as an overseer of a team. I try to avoid it sometimes to give other people a chance however the role usually comes right back to me. The second personality trait that the assessment stated was that advocates have fears they know are irrational. I disagree with this part. Whenever I am afraid of something I usually try to conquer those fears so if I can find reasons why me being fearful of anything and those reason prove to be absurd right then and there is usually a pivotal moment for me.

The assessment also mentioned that advocates say that modern beauty standards are unrealistic. I agree with this to an extent. I believe that beauty standards today depend on what an individual perception of beauty is. My standard of beauty might not be the same as someone else’s however if you have a standard which I do then I am the only one who can attest if I have and am meeting those standards. I do not like to rate other people by my beauty standards because I am a believer that beauty is in the sight of the beholder. So as for the assessment I think modern beauty standards are only unrealistic if we would rate everything and everyone by one set of standards which isn’t really true in this day and time because of all of the creativity and diversity developing in the world today.

The article also says that advocates go to great lengths to avoid stress I beg to differ because I am one of those people who has been described as always doing the most. Being this way will and have imposed an abundance of stress. I always enjoy going the extra mile not just for myself but for others as stressful as it is. Lastly, they mentioned that advocates reread emails after sending them. I must admit that I do this sometimes which is kind of backwards because it is better to read emails before sending them. As organized as I consider myself to be, I tend to do thing sort of backwards sometimes and enjoy doing so.

Advocates are creative insightful, principled, and altruistic. Id say so!  These strengths can be a blessing and a curse. Since, as I mentioned before I tend to do the most it takes me a little bit longer to do things because I get so deeply involve with everything. Normally I’m devoted and dedicated to my roles in life whether its business or personal this is the way I conduct myself at work, home, and also with friends. I can spend hours doing the things that I love and always like to put my own mark things. I like to put my own niche on things and have been known to do so. My creativity enables me to make things more exciting and unconventional even when I’m being organized and principle which I am. This is a good balance for me. In the sales industry these traits have provided many genuine and long-lasting relationships. This becomes a weakness in situations where less is more. My boss sometime is in my ear about breaking away from the customer and giving them homework to do. My clients are my babies. I treat them the way I expect to be treated when I go into a store. Some challenges that I have had because of this is while working in sales I tend to develop deep connections with my clients. This sometime causes me to spend too much time with each client making my sales job more of a consultant position rather than a sales position. This have affected my time management in the past.

Personality test might be helpful in determining if a particular candidate is the right fit for a role. I think it depends on the role as well as other determining factors such as experience and credentials. Depending on the role I believe the right man for the job is the candidate who can get the job done in the best way possible. So, it depends on how the personality test is being used to influence the decision. In the case where the personality does not fit the preference of the employer, but the experience and credentials does where do that leave the candidate? In this case the personality assessment would not be fair.

On the other hand if the personality assessment is being used for a role where a specific personality would qualify a particular candidate for a specific role for example someone who is creative applying for a job as an arts and crafts counselor with the same qualifications as a competing candidate who has the same credentials and experience but isn’t as creative it would then be more reasonable to depend on a personality assessment to help to make the best decision but generally I say it really depends.


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About Nadya Dunkley

(August) Leo Queen ! YES THE MONTH MATTER ! Incredible mother of two beautiful princesses ! Culinary Fanatic ! From the Boogie Down ( Uptown Baby ) Jamaican Nationality ! 20 Years awesome retail experiences ! Business Management Major specializing in General Management !

2 thoughts on “Personality Assesment

  1. Jamel Purnell

    Your assessment was very interesting. I have a friend that got a Turbulent Advocate assessment also. I think its amazing how much clarity the personality assessment is able to give us based of just a few sets of questions. I had a slightly different viewpoint on whether or not its beneficial in the hiring process for employers. I like how you summarized your viewpoint to bring it all together. Great read.

  2. Shang Cheng

    Hi Nadya, I think it is amazing to work with someone with “people watching” personality. I personally love to work with/for these people that they care others, it is so true that advocates I know are “creative insightful, principled, and altruistic”. I also agree with you that personality test might be helpful to determinate if the candidate is fit for the job however some other qualifications such as experience should be taken into consideration as well.

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