Assignment 5 Personality Test

Itza Garzon                                                                                                                        Brielle Buckler

October 4 2020                                                                                                                 Bus 311-1900


Personality Test



My Personality Trait after taking the 16 Personality test came back as being an Adventurer. To describe it in a few words it means I am Artistic, Explorer, and look for Constant Improvement. Although after reading through my results I agree with most of what was stated, there are definitely many that don’t seem to truly describe me. Although these tests are something, I find to be enjoyable I don’t think this type of test should influence a job hiring decision. Below I will share some of my findings after taking the personality test and whether it relates or not.


While going through my evaluation there are definitely many things I found shockingly relatable in my personality characteristics for example it states that as someone with an adventurer personality I am inspired by connections with others and ideas and that is something I can truly relate to , whether it’s in my work life or personal life I love getting to know and understand people, and why they are the way they are there’s something about not jumping into conclusion when meeting someone but rather getting to know them and their story that intrigues me. Something I also found amazing and almost funny is it states I like spontaneity and im almost unpredictable but at the same time it shocks people when I come off as almost an introvert and it almost shocked me when it said that because it truly does describe me 100% , I love adventure and seeking new things to do or new places to try however there are times when all I want is just to be in the comfort of my own home with the people I feel the most safe and comfortable with.


When it comes to my drive something it mentioned, and I agree 100% with is that I am passionate and that I find ways to push their passion. I truly resonate so much with that because well its true with everything I set my mind to and want to achieve I always find a way to make it happen no matter the obstacles that come with it , which is why when I see myself almost not trying I step back and I ask myself is this something  am truly passionate about because if it was then id find a way to get it done. In the reading it also mentions my hard time at planning for the future and in more ways than others it makes sense more so in my career than in my personal life, but I guess both go hand in hand being that whatever I plan on doing for my career will somehow affect my personal life. Planning for the future has always terrified me in some way , not knowing what’s next for me or what my 5 year plan in my career is , is always something I seem to get stuck on and almost wish someone could give me the answer however it know that’s not how it works its something I have been trying to get better at throughout the years.


Charming, Sensitive to others, imaginative, passionate , artistic , these are some of the strengths that came up on my test, and in one way or another I agree with although if I was describing myself there are things I wouldn’t have mentioned after reading through it , it makes sense. As I mentioned before I am very passionate with anything I do, you will always see the drive and focus to reach the end goal, I am definitely very sensitive to others for as long as I can remember I always put my family friends and even peers first and when I love I love hard which can both be a good or bad thing. The artistic part definitely stood out to me because while I cannot for the life of me draw you or sketch you something more than just a stick figure I can definitely help you plan a room makeover or take your ideas of how you want your birthday party to look and make then come to life which is why I believe the job I am in right now as a visual merchandiser is so good for me.


Contrary to my strengths of course we all have weaknesses and the two that mostly stood out to me were fiercely independent and easily stressed. For as long as I can remember something my parents have always said was that even as a little girl I was really independent I wanted to get things done on my own the way I liked them to be done or I would not be satisfied, and well it came with me as an adult because that is exactly how I am till this day, it has its ups but also its downs because sometimes you have to learn to ask for help and that’s something I’m not very good at doing which leads me to the next thing being easily stressed, when taking to much on and not knowing how to say no because I think I have it all figured out I only really end up messing myself up because I become this person who is trying to juggle a million and one things when it could’ve been so simple had I asked for help.


Although I can definitely see myself agreeing with a lot of what was said I kept coming back and saying this relates more to my personal everyday life rather than my work life, and that is something many have to understand and be ok with. Its okay to be one way at work and one way outside of work because well if im being honest outside of work I may seem like im too nice but at work I keep a professional setting and know how to separate my personal and work environment. Which is why I don’t think these test should be used to determine whether you’re a good fit for a job or not , because again lets face it we are all one way at work than we are outside of work , we are one way with our friends than how we are with our peers and if someone would just go off this and for example read that I don’t know how to plan for the future they may get the idea that I am not driven enough or I like to stay stagnant or content and that’s not the truth. So although these are fun to take for your own entertainment, a jobs ultimate decision should not be based on this but more so by your knowledge your experience your background of jobs and skillset.

1 thought on “Assignment 5 Personality Test

  1. heaven jarrett

    hello itza,
    I can agree with you on being a person that sometimes take on to many things and always having to find a way to balance . As this is a weakness we share it can be fixed if we just take our time and let things flow.

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