Assignment 5: 16 Personality Assessment

Jamel Purnell

Professor Buckler

BUS 311


Interviewing Candidates: 16 Personality Assessment

          After completing the 16 Personalities Assessment it was determined that my personality type is classified as an “Assertive Protagonist”. First glance I was offended. I immediately thought this was something horrible. I could not have been more wrong. After reading the introduction portion of the assessment. My classification status was summarized by a group of categories. Ranging from My being Extraverted, Intuitive, Feelings based decision maker opposite to a thinker, as well my being 61 percent Assertive, and lastly my having a 71 percent Judging personality trait. This Assessment also summarized my strengths, and weaknesses, as well as gave me great insight into how I view friendships, work, love relationships, and parenting. All of which made the 16 Personality Assessment a great read.

Not knowing nearly enough about the word Protagonist At first, I was a little offended by the judging characteristics because at first glance it does not feel like a pleasant character trait to have, however, after reading my results thoroughly. I strongly agree with my results. After taking this assessment and reading every aspect of the breakdown from friendships to relationships and parenting etc. It was bone-chilling accurate and taught me things I knew about myself and just could not classify or put a name to the personality trait and emotions I’ve experienced my whole life. This assessment also taught me things I did not know about myself. For years I considered myself a thinker type of person when it came to my decision-making process. However, I was way off as I am 64 percent a feelings-based decision-maker. Thinking about my life path this made all the sense in the world to me.

The 16 Personality Assessment classifies my type as being natural-born leaders full of passion and charisma. It also says that people are naturally drawn to my strong personality as Protagonists as I often exude and radiate authenticity, concern, and altruism. I thought it was interesting how the assessment accurately explained my fearless nature which is often unafraid to stand up and speak when I feel something needs to be said. This could not have been more accurate in my everyday life. It goes on to explain how we “Assertive Protagonist” tend to reach to every mind through facts, logic, and raw emotion. We easily communicate with others especially in person as most Assertive Protagonists can easily see people’s motivations and disconnects and can bring it all together in the most genuine tone. Some strengths mentioned in my assessment are Tolerant Team Player, Reliable, Charismatic, Altruistic, and Natural Leader. All of which are extremely accurate to my core.

My weaknesses mentioned were Overly Idealistic, Too Selfless, Too Sensitive, Fluctuating Self-Esteem, and lastly, I sometimes struggle to make tough decisions. With me putting my pride to the side and being completely transparent this all immediately began to hit home. I started to think about my personal life and how accurate these strengths and weaknesses are. Especially in my personal life, all the weaknesses were especially accurate and radiant to specific things that have occurred on my journey. Down to a recent business deal that fell apart. Our live session breakout comes to mind also where I asked Annie how to summarize our greatest strengths and biggest weakness. These answers all most certainly make all the sense in the world and are all great responses to interview questions that some people might find challenging to answer.

A personality test can be an effective help to determine whether a candidate is right for a role. However, I do not think it should be the deciding factor in the decision-making process. The reason being, I think it can help manifest the exact character trait an employer might be looking for to fill a very specific position. I will use my case as an example. If an employer were looking for someone with leadership qualities, that can help build a successful team with all the right moving parts. Great, I would probably get the positions but that does not mean I am limited to just those talents as an individual. Therefore, Personality Assessment could be slightly misleading. who’s to say that the individual is answering the questions truthfully. However, it can give you great insight into a truthful candidate’s mindset which is a great starting point to understand whether he or she is a match for a position. I would most certainly utilize this assessment in my hiring practice for sure. I think it is brilliant and can allow you to see a lot of genuine characteristics from a potential candidate due to the questioning being very well thought out and not easily swayed to answer dishonestly. A large part of the questions has a very innocent tone but tells a lot about a person’s mindset and capabilities.

I enjoyed taking the 16-Personality Assessment. For me, it was a bit of an opener and served as a great summary to help answer questions like “Tell me about yourself?”, “what are your greatest strengths?”, What is your greatest weakness?”, and “How do you think others view you”? I appreciated doing this assessment and have forwarded it to all my friends and family already. My younger brother was able to use this assessment to help him tighten up how he interviews as he looks for work due to COVID-19 layoffs. The information serves as a great insight to people who are in search of a better understanding of who they are and helps give individuals clear protectives on characteristic norms and traits synonymous with an individual’s mindset. Ultimately the 16 Personality Servers a great purpose that can be used as a tool for many facets of life from Employment, Friendship, Dating and so much more.

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