LinkedIn Unit 04 Assignment

The live session that Professor B. Buckler had initiated on the 23rd was very informative. For an individual that had a LinkedIn profile since the beginning of college, I’ve heard a lot of Dos and Donts gurus. Such as keeping your profile minimal as possible is good! Having keywords and attention getters makes your profile stands out! But, hearing from what our guest speakers and what they look for in an individual were mind-blowing. Ever since then, I’ve been making some slight adjustments to my profile. Making it stand out to an extent. However, what stood out to me during the live session was when Annie Stankevich spoke about the importance of the bio and how she mentions her waitress roles and how they intertwine with her corporate skills. I would like to interpret this idea into my profile, but find it quite difficult to do so due to transiting.

Thank you, Professor B. Buckler!


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