The biggest take away from our session with Annie and Tiffany was that all of us have the similar fears when it comes to promoting ourselves. Both Annie and Tiffany gave great tips to improving our LinkedIn profiles. I haven’t been very active with my Linkedin and through the session I realized how powerful and easy it is to take full advantage on. Its the perfect way to network, build relationships, and find others with the same interests.
Hi Angelica
I also felt more relaxed when I realized that a lot of what I feared about interviewing and job searching others people have and were experiencing the same thing. I appreciated the questions and comments that many of our classmate made because they addressed issues that I’m sure many of us wanted answers to and more information on. I especially liked the LinkedIn tips as well because the new information encouraged authenticity and balance. In which I believe is the best way to market ourselves.
Hi Angelica, I totally agree with you. LinkedIn is a great source to connect with people. Like you, I also didn’t really used it, but after learning about it and how we can use LinkedIn to get jobs and connect with people who have similar interests or background as us, it is definitely a very useful tool.