Just wanted to say thank you again Professor for making this live session possible and inviting Annie and Tiffany along. For someone who just made a LinkedIn account literally this month, I found this live session extremely helpful and important. Especially the slides from Annie! I cant quote Annie exactly but my biggest takeaway from this session is when Annie told us how recruiters search for specific keywords in your profile. This can be on your headline, job description and summary. Also another takeaway that I know others in the class can agree on is how to structure your Bio. I am still having a issue with this because I feel my Bio is not as strong as it should be.
Hi Gilbert
I liked the tips Annie gave as well and I forgot to tell her thank you in my post but I really appreciate Professor Buckler for inviting her colleagues in to speak to us. Its great that you mentioned that. Annie basically gave us major keys because she work for Linked in. I have been using LinkedIn for a while now and after the session with Annie and Tiffany I’ve realized that I’ve been doing it all wrong and really need to revamp my entire profile. You mentioned the her tip about using the same words from job posting in our resumes to make it easier for employers to select our resumes in employment search engines. I also liked her hashtag tip and appreciated the fact that both Annie and Tiffany was very open and honest with us about marketing our best self. Don’t worry about your Bio just keep working on that’s what I’m doing because I feel the same way you do. After the session I’ve become very optimistic that when all of the information they gave us is applied to our profiles and resumes we will land the perfect employment opportunity.