As I was going into the live session for the class I was actually very interested because the opportunity to get knowledge from anyone is always valuable. Prior to the class I had little to no knowledge about Linkedin and its purpose. After the class I can say I walked away with knowledge that will help me moving forward in my journey to shift careers. Personally, I enjoyed the live session with Annie and Tiff because it allowed me get key tips that I will be able to use. During this session it also gave me my first experience of going into breakout rooms where I spoke with my classmates. My classmates and I had discussions about fears going into the interview process for a job and the comparison I experienced with my process versus their process was very different but similar. They voiced to me their fear and self doubt which I also experienced with my job interview but overcame it in different ways. With Annie my biggest takeaway was the process and the importance of the summary on the LInkedin profile. As i was setting up my profile I tried my best to follow the format given so I wouldn’t make any mistakes. When Tiffany began speaking she also capitalized on a lot of the key points Annie touched on referring back to the question I asked about not having experience in a job field that you want to cross over to. They both placed emphasis on marketing yourself as a brand and remaining professional while doing so which is key. I feel like after the class I do have a better understanding of how to use Linkedin, the purposes and how to present certain information in the job field to grasp the attention of recruiters. I have attached my Linkedin link at the bottom and look forward to connecting with everyone
Amazing Takeaways Dimitri, the breakway was one of my favorite parts of the live session also. I was lucky to have been paired with Annie in my breakout group. She helped Tyler and I deal with summarizing our greatest strengths and also told us how to answer the dreaded Greatest weakness question aswell as gave us tips on how to deal with Anxiety. The question you asked was brilliant during the session as you mentioned switching career paths. It helps me out as I work for myself now and do not wish to seek employment as my old LinkedIn reflected the opposite. I recognized that I still want to market and brand myself and my company. Thank you for the connect request also and the subscriptions to my youtube page. Its greatly appreciated.
I share the same experience with you Dimitri. I have heard of Linkedlin but did not have an account or full understanding of how it worked. I appreciate Ann and Tiff providing us with tips and guiding us on how to create our accounts and what recruiters might be looking for. I agree with you that I now have a better understanding and will keep in mind that this is a professional platform and will market myself for those who might stop by my page. Also, this is a good way for our classmates to connect as well. This was a very informative session.