Good morning Jamel,
I definitely know the threats of streaming and what you say damaging your brand due to conversations or sensitive topics. There is also an opportunity in that because streaming, social media and different platforms allow you to present yourself and get your message across. Yes, i know things can be said and mistakenly taken out of context but there is strength in consistency. Consistently promoting your brand, showing who you are and working hard can help create a balance IF something is mistakenly said.
Good morning Jamel,
I definitely know the threats of streaming and what you say damaging your brand due to conversations or sensitive topics. There is also an opportunity in that because streaming, social media and different platforms allow you to present yourself and get your message across. Yes, i know things can be said and mistakenly taken out of context but there is strength in consistency. Consistently promoting your brand, showing who you are and working hard can help create a balance IF something is mistakenly said.