Unit 9 Assignment

For our Unit 9 Assignment, we will return to the discussion board.

We will reflect on what we’ve learned in class and through our course materials to discuss what the types of businesses we each come into contact with every day. We will identify patterns in our own behavior, and build on our responses to our first discussion of the semester where we determined whether these organizations were for-profit/nonprofit and whether they sold goods or services.

Here is a link to our Business Ownership Discussion and a [DISCUSSION RUBRIC] to make sure you can earn maximum points. Click “Reply” to my original post at the top of the discussion to add your own, and then click “Reply” on your classmates’ posts to respond thoughtfully to their ideas.

As always, if you need more information, you can ask me a question. For information on due dates, check our Course Schedule.

Note to Professors:

Here is a discussion prompt example for this unit. Make sure to delete this file from this page when you create the discussion board.
