Unit 2 Course Materials

Welcome to Unit 2: Business Technology! In this unit, we will learn about Information Systems and why they are vital to business, before turning our focus specifically to Microsoft® Excel® which is a spreadsheet program used by most businesses for a myriad of reasons.

As part of our BUS 104 requirements, students will learn the basics of Excel, through open educational resources, recorded tutorials, and self-practice and application. Throughout our semester, we’ll examine how in both professional and personal settings, Microsoft® Excel® can make processes and recordkeeping more efficient and accurate. (Plus, many employers list Microsoft® Excel® proficiency as a requirement for employment, so this unit and the semester-long focus on Microsoft® Excel® will help students in their chosen path after they complete this class.

We have six assignments throughout the semester that will guide students toward Microsoft® Excel® proficiency. In this unit, we will start with an overview of the program and basic functionality, and throughout the semester, we will continue to build on this knowledge.

By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

  • Understand the parts of an information system
  • Examine the value of using Excel to make decisions
  • Become familiar with the Excel workbook
  • Understand how to navigate worksheets

In order to successfully complete this unit, you’ll need to do the following:

1. Read only the first page of this Open Educational Resource (free to access): Module 1: What Are Information Systems?¹ to get a basis of what an Information System is.
Please note: you do not need to complete the activities listed in this resource.

2. Watch this overview of why we use Excel for Business from GreggU2 via on YouTube (embedded below)

3. Head over to our Excel Module 1: Fundamental Skills page to access additional resources, read the relevant Module, view a tutorial for how to navigate Excel Unit 1, and to get started on your assignment for this unit.


Business Information Systems: Design an App for That. Authored by: Saylor Academy. Located athttps://saylordotorg.github.io/text_business-information-systems-design-an-app-for-that/index.htmlLicenseCC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

2GreggU via YouTube (Why We Use Excel for Business): https://youtu.be/vX-ta61I5Cc