Retention Assignment Example

What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?

The most demotivating part for harper is, she feels like she doesn’t have an outlet to discuss how overwhelmed and over worked she feels. Harper went from a normal work life balance to her job now consuming most of her time. She also doesn’t feel appreciated with the extra load she’s taken on.

If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help them re-engage Harper?

I’d let the supervisor know to distribute the tasks to everyone on the team, to allow a more even workload so that no one person feels more overwhelmed than the other. As well as try to conduct more interviews to fill the spot of Jose to get everyone back on track.

What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee?

If Harper leaves the job not only is the company losing a really good employee, but now her work, on top of the work she was already covering now has to been given to another employee, therefore continuing the cycle of an extra workload and now potentially causing a snowball effect of more employees leaving.