Author Archives: Stephanie Garcia

Retention Assignment Example

What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?

The most demotivating part of Harper’s job was when her boss Jose had left six months ago. It was a big disadvantage for Harper because her and Jose had got along well. Things always seemed to go smoother when Jose was her boss, but ever since he had left, Harper has had to take additional work which had affected her work/life balance. Also Harper’s new boss David didn’t help much either as he manages the whole team, which resulted in him having less time to dedicate to helping her prioritize her work or focusing on her development.

If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help them re-engage Harper?

If I were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor David, some advice I would give to help them re-engage Harper is for one, make his employees feel valued. This would help Harper know that her work is valued and is being recognized for her work . Also, create a culture of open communication. This will help Harper be able to speak her mind and how she has been feeling lately about working for Marketable inc. This will help come up with a. resolution on how to change certain things, and will make her feel heard so things can change and get better while being an employee there.

What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee?

The downside of losing Harper as an employee would result in less productivity and could potentially affect the companies financial resources. Especially knowing that Harper was taking over most of her prior boss’s work overload swell, so losing Harper would result in accumulating more workload for the company. An important employee, especially one who’s been there for years can take a toll on the company. It can take drain on the company’s staff and financial resources, limit productivity, damage morale, etc. This is why employee retention is important, keeping key employees will have a benefit on the company overall.

Ethics Assignment Example- Fashion Nova

When I want to buy a new outfit for an event or just buy some new clothes for a different  season I would usually go on fashion nova. Fashion nova has been one of my favorite online shopping stores for years now. It has also replaced in person shopping and has been a more convenient way to buy clothing, as you can do it on your phone and buy clothes. Fashion nova was founded in 2006 by its CEO Richard Saghian. Its headquarters are located in Los Angeles, California, which is also where they have their in person Fashion nova store. The CEO launched the e-commerce website in 2013.

Fashion nova has claimed that they have a zero tolerance policy for both forced labor and child labore and they are committed to ensuring that their supply chain reflects their respect fro human rights, and that their relationships with vendors are based on lawful, efficient and fair practices. Also in August 2020, they announced reforms to its contracting practices in support of californias proposed bill SB 1399, that states a mandate that their workers are paid the applicable minimum wage, which is 15 and hour. They also established a toll free hotline for workers to report abuses as well as a system of penalties for those who violate its reform efforts. However, people and ratings have said otherwise. There has been claims made that have stated Fashion nova doesn’t publish sufficient relevant information about its environmental policies. Also in terms of their labor conditions, none of its supply chain is certified by labor standards which ensure worker health and safety, living wages, or other labor rights. They publish limited information, and don’t really disclose any information about forced labor, gender equality, or freedom of association. There is also no evidence they ensure payment of a living wage in its supply chain. Fashion nova also doesn’t disclose which animal products they use either. They have faced criticism regarding its commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.

In conclusion, my recommendations for Fashion nova is that they need to give more information and show evidence that their workers are indeed receiving a living wage and are in safe, clean conditions as they claim to be. Also disclose any more information about their environmental factors, animal cruelty, health and safety risks, etc. They also should substitute for more eco-friendly materials, because there is no evidence it reduces its carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions and its supply chain, or that they have taken action to reduce or eliminate hazardous chemicals.

stephanie garcia

Hi my name is Stephanie I’m from The Bronx and I’m Dominican. my major is liberal arts. My hobbies include doing makeup, drawing, and reading. I also love fashion and shopping. I want to start my own business doing makeup on clients and eventually start a clothing line.

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