Author Archives: Roaa


~What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job? 

The most demotivating part of os Harpers job is that she was given an overwhelming workload. Being in a position where she is carrying the work of her boss who had left. Harper wasn’t given assistance which was important for her efficiency in the work that she had to present. Although she has been working there for four years and personally enjoyed her job. Regardeless of loving her job, she was taken advantage of and wasn’t acknowledged for how hard she was working with the high workload that she was given.

~ If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help them re-engage Harper?

Personally, if I were an HR manager talking with David I would first check in on her and make sure that she is ok mentally. After that, I would guide her step by step on what she needs to do and what she do to make it easier for herself.  When carrying out meetings, David can be able to see what they are missing so she can fix it along with working with seeing what the other teams are missing. Lastly, setting up goals with Harper will give her structure in what to look forward to and keep her going.  Helping her create a plan for these goals will create a confident approach to her work and feel less overwhelmed and more organized. When marketing and development plans are highly encouraged due to employees improving their performance, and succession planning along with career advancement. 

~What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee? 

Harper has been working with the company for many years.  While being in this company for those amount of years, means that she has experience. She is a hard worker and when they required someone to fill in she took in this position. She still persevered through it and tried her best to balance her work and her social life despite feeling behind in her to-do list.  She also loves her work meaning there is passion. The hardworking and passionate workers are the ones that bring growth to the company and Harper is among them. 

Roaa Shalabi

Hi my name is Roaa and I am a digital marketing major. My hobbies are writing and videography. Something you should now about me is that I enjoy reading about spiritual and holistic health

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