- Dick and Mac, who wanted to focus on quality and standards. Chose to play it safe, to not expand, to focus on their singular location in California. While Kroc, eager to expand and grow, though differently. He only saw progress, growth and the future. You could say the Brothers were stuck in the past, while Kroc focused on the future. What made the two forces fundamentally different is one force wanted to focus on steady performance, while the other wanted to progress at an immense pace. And that’s what cost the brothers everything in the end, they were too focused on morality and ethics, they missed how desperate and power hungry Kroc was.
- At the point at which they were at, the brothers were left no other options. They neither had the power, nor resources or connections to fight against Kroc. And Kroc could have fully screwed over the brothers, but gave them the opportunity to name their price and cut a deal. It wasn’t a matter if it was the right thing to sell out to Kroc, it was really the only option the brothers were left with. And in the end, it was a pretty good deal at the time, sadly however. Since the brothers couldn’t prove the authenticity of their deal with Kroc after he died. They weren’t able to get everything out of the deal they made with Kroc.
- Kroc, who was buying the land needed to build the franchisees, would lease that land to couples who he signed a contract with. The contract included being paid 4% of the monthly sales made by the franchisee, as well as the monthly rental fee for the leased land.
- Like mentioned before, Kroc would own the land required to build a franchisee. By leasing said land to those who wish to open up a franchisee, Kroc was able to collect a portion of the sales, from the lease contract.
- Not necessarily, I’m not saying I’m experienced in the world of business. However I would assume that integrity and morality would work against you. Especially when working with those like Kroc, power hungry and looking solely on the future. It’s clear the world of business is unforgiving to those who play it safe and focus on the smaller picture, like the brothers. At the end of the day big businesses like McDonald’s weren’t built by those who were filled with moral integrity. They were built by those who sought cold hard harsh progress. And sure you could say men like Kroc are evil for what they did, but he was able to win, because he understood what was needed to survive in the world of business. And what would that be? Self interest and selfishness. Overall my perspective on McDonald’s hasn’t really been altered by this film, I’d still happily enjoy my cheeseburger and fries and coke, any day of the week.