In Unit 9: Introduction to Management we will explore the primary functions, responsibilities, and skills of effective leadership and management. We will learn about the three levels of management — top, middle, and first-line — and discuss the technical, interpersonal, and conceptual skills managers need to be effective. We will differentiate between popular management theories, and discuss the types of planning and decision-making processes managers of all levels must engage in. To wrap up, we will identify the organizing structure of management and review different types of organizational structures and then discuss the positives and limitations of several management styles.
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
- Differentiate between the functions of top managers, middle managers, and first-line managers
- Describe technical skills in relation to management
- Describe conceptual skills in relation to management
- Describe human skills in relation to management
- Summarize the four principles of Frederick Taylor’s scientific management theory
- Summarize the contributions of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth to scientific management
- Summarize Henri Fayol’s contributions to the field of management theory
- Summarize the key functions of management today
In order to successfully complete this unit, you’ll need to do the following:
1. Read this Open Educational Resource (free to access): Module 9: Management¹
2. Watch the following videos on management theories we’ll discuss in more detail:
Frederick Taylor & Scientific Management2
Henry Fayol’s Five Functions of Management3
Frank and Lillian Gilbreth & Motion Studies4
3. Complete our Unit 9 Assignment. You can find more details here.
1CC LICENSED CONTENT, ORIGINAL Why It Matters: Management. Authored by: Linda Williams and Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
2Organizational Communication Channel on YouTube: Frederick Taylor Scientific Management.
3Education is Power on YouTube: Henri Fayol | Five Functions of Management With Examples.
4Ignite on YouTube: Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.