Author Archives: thomas mahoney

Retention Assignment- Thomas Mahoney

What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?

I think the most demotivating part of Harper’s job is her newfound workload, lack of support from her new boss, and that she has kept the same position at Marketable for four years. Since her old supervisor’s departure from the company her daily work life has taken a great increase and she finds herself overwhelmed and overworked with little to no recognition. She seems to be as passionate as she can about her job and likes what she does, but being overwhelmed like this is enough to make anyone consider leaving.

If you were an HR manager meeting with Harpers supervisor, David, what advice would you give them to help re-engage Harper?

If i were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor I would strongly advise him to schedule or hold a one on one meeting with Harper as well as all other employees he supervises and ask simple questions relating to stress, company time, work/life balance, and generally how they feel about their role at Marketable and if they feel they need more compensation and if they are content/ satisfied with the work they are doing and their current position at Marketable. Also telling her supervisor to consider a pay raise or promotion could be motivating to Harper, if David feels she can hold this position potentially having Harper take Jose’s position as a supervisor could also be considered.

What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee? 

Losing Harper as an employee would create a problem for the company, especially after losing Jose, the previous supervisor. Losing Harper would mean that they would have to search and potentially train a new employee to fill her role. This could cost money and could take time, as Harper is well experienced since being at Marketable for four years. Losing Harper as an employee would also have a large impact on the workload of other employees throughout the company. In the meantime between finding an employee to take her position, other members of the Marketable team would have to cover and distribute Harper’s workload among themselves. This can lead to other employees feeling that they are overworked and not appreciated for their time and dedication as Harper did.

Marketing Assignment- Thomas Mahoney

Being an avid snowboarder I spend a lot of time every winter traveling to states like Vermont and New Hampshire. While living in NYC traveling 5 or more hours on a weekly basis gets expensive and can be an overall hassle, expenses like gas, food, hotels and lift tickets are necessary. After years of driving past what appeared to be an indoor slope off of the New Jersey Turnpike, the American Dream mall finally started promoting “Big Snow” in 2019. Big Snow is a large indoor slope for skiing and snowboarding open all year round in East Rutherford NJ about 20-30 minutes outside of the city. I recall seeing promotions for the grand opening on social media and in the news. My friends and I became very excited and when they finally opened doors in December of 2019 we decided to check it out the next day. I instantly realized that this was a game changer. Being able to access snow within a 30 minute drive at a cheap price (This is no longer the case) was a luxury for me, this also meant that the snowboarding season no longer had to end. Instead of squeezing in a last minute trip to Vermont in April we could get on our boards any day we wanted to and all throughout the summer and off season. While the marketing and promotion for Big Snow definitely built the hype, the overall idea and close proximity of the business excited me more then anything. What made this place even cooler to me was that Big Snow also offers the only indoor skiing and snowboarding in North America. Whether your an experienced snowboarder like myself and want to go to practice tricks and stay sharp on your board or your learning how to ski or ride for the first time, Big Snow is the right place. Many people who live throughout NYC do not have cars and cannot travel far north to ski or snowboard, I feel that Big Snow offers a cool opportunity to access snow. The service they provide is very unique which is what grabbed my attention from the start. I still go to Big Snow frequently and have been since the grand opening. This was an easy choice for me after reading the question for this assignment.

Big Snow American Dream | Indoor Ski Resort Review — PeakRankings


Photos: Big SNOW, an Indoor Ski Resort at American Dream Mall in New Jersey  - Untapped New York

The Founder Assignment Thomas Mahoney

    1. Roy Kroc was a milkshake machine salesman from Illinois hungry for business opportunity as he was not the most successful in his field. Upon meeting the McDonald brothers Roy became mesmerized by the structure of the McDonalds business when traveling to California. The McDonald brothers were genius business owners who built the franchise from the ground up on a new and efficient process to mass produce their food. Roy immediately recognized this opportunity and new he could expand with it. The McDonald brothers were more focused on staying a booming local business.
    2. I don’t think the McDonald brothers did the right thing by selling out however Roy did not stick to his word and offered them a way smaller percentage of the franchises revenue then promised. As what appeared to be a good deal at first, I don’t think the McDonald brothers realized the true potential of their company and ultimately got somewhat scammed.
    3. The local stores made their money by using the fast and efficient business model the McDonald brothers founded the franchise on. The success of the franchise made it capable of covering costs required to run each location of the business itself.
    4. Kroc made his money by beginning to expand the business and opening up new locations in different cities. This placed him in a prestigious position in the real estate market due to the booming success of the franchise. On top of this he was collecting more profit that each location was making itself.
    5. This movie definitely opened my eyes to the history of the McDonalds franchise that I was not aware of. It made me have sympathy for the brothers as they got robbed of millions of dollars as well as a franchise titled by their last name. I dont eat McDonalds very often but i dont mind it once in a while and it will most likely stay that way. I found this film very interesting and informative.

Ethics Assignment-Thomas Mahoney

A brand I find myself using/wearing constantly is Carhartt. I personally really enjoy wearing Carhartt products both at work and for leisure. Upon researching Carhartt’s business and ethical practices I first came across their corporate responsibility page on the official Carhartt website. This page generally sums up Carhartt’s general practices as a large corporation, specifically certifications, internal accountability, training, community and international affairs, safety regulations and information regarding counterfeit product. Carhartt takes a large accountability when it comes to product safety, since they offer products that are labeled as flame-resistant and high visibility. In this section they specify the material and code requirements these products meet for certain job sites and work environments. They also give a general statement regarding certain chemicals and fabrics used to produce their product that reads “Carhartt works hard to ensure that our garments are designed and manufactured responsibly, and that any chemicals in our finished goods comply with all applicable laws and regulations.”

In a different section of this page Carhartt also addresses their social responsibility in the global market. They describe an established “Code of Conduct” that is set into place as minimum standards for all Carhartt suppliers internationally. This code of conduct was created around general international labor and human rights standards. They also address their global market with this statement “Building on our roots as an American company, Carhartt products are today manufactured and sold globally. Production is centered in company-owned factories in the U.S. and Mexico, and in a network of supplier and licensee factories around the world.” In another section Carhartt describes a “Quality assurance personnel visit” where certain individuals who are well trained in workplace safety, conditions and regulations are to “visit and work in supplier facilities on an ongoing basis.”

While these direct principles make for a solid ethical structure for the company I do believe that further action can be taken to prove their highly claimed ethical standards. Carhartt does not mention any responsibility involved with environmental protection besides their use of eco-friendly cotton. Carhartt also offers products that contain leather and wool but fails to address a policy that ensures the animals used to harvest these materials are treated with care and respect. While I am sure Carhartt does practice environmental protection and avoids poorly treating animals I would recommend a presented policy or addressing these issues on the companies corporate responsibility page.

Thomas Mahoney

My name is thomas mahoney, i am a business management major from staten island. On my free time i like to snowboard, skateboard, hike or work.

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