What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?
I think the most demotivating part of Harper’s job is her newfound workload, lack of support from her new boss, and that she has kept the same position at Marketable for four years. Since her old supervisor’s departure from the company her daily work life has taken a great increase and she finds herself overwhelmed and overworked with little to no recognition. She seems to be as passionate as she can about her job and likes what she does, but being overwhelmed like this is enough to make anyone consider leaving.
If you were an HR manager meeting with Harpers supervisor, David, what advice would you give them to help re-engage Harper?
If i were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor I would strongly advise him to schedule or hold a one on one meeting with Harper as well as all other employees he supervises and ask simple questions relating to stress, company time, work/life balance, and generally how they feel about their role at Marketable and if they feel they need more compensation and if they are content/ satisfied with the work they are doing and their current position at Marketable. Also telling her supervisor to consider a pay raise or promotion could be motivating to Harper, if David feels she can hold this position potentially having Harper take Jose’s position as a supervisor could also be considered.
What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee?
Losing Harper as an employee would create a problem for the company, especially after losing Jose, the previous supervisor. Losing Harper would mean that they would have to search and potentially train a new employee to fill her role. This could cost money and could take time, as Harper is well experienced since being at Marketable for four years. Losing Harper as an employee would also have a large impact on the workload of other employees throughout the company. In the meantime between finding an employee to take her position, other members of the Marketable team would have to cover and distribute Harper’s workload among themselves. This can lead to other employees feeling that they are overworked and not appreciated for their time and dedication as Harper did.