I went back and forth on what ad I wanted to chose to write about and I eventually settled on the Orbitz gum “dirty mouth” commercials. I vividly remember them because of how funny and catchy they were. It was defiantly out of the ordinary compared to other gum commercials, with it’s skit like comedy and production. Orbitz gum was an after thought for me at the time I didn’t buy it or chew it on a regular basis but that commercial made me remember their gum and if I saw it in stores it immediately grabbed my attention. The commercial was a group of three arguing but because they were chewing gum it gave them a clean mouth, so instead of cursing they substituted those words with other humorous ones like, “lint licker” and “cootie queen”. This ad satisfied and highlighted that if you chew Orbitz you will have a clean mouth and fresh breath it was just done in a comedic and catchy way.