Giordani Marketing Campaign Assignment

I first learned about Scrub Daddy because I saw the episode of SharkTank that they appeared on. I believe that at the time sponges were their only product. When I moved into my first apartment in NYC, I wanted to buy the best products that I could afford in order to reduce long-term spending, the amount of effort it took to use something and to limit the amount of time and effort it would take me to replace things. When shopping for kitchen products, I remembered the Scrub Daddy pitch from Shark Tank. Their sponges are temperature-responsive (hot water = soft sponge, cold water = harder sponge) and have a smiley-face cut-out that makes it easier to wash cutlery. An added plus from the smiley-face cut-out is that the sponge is easier for me to grip when cleaning. Their sponges are more expensive than most others on the market, so if it weren’t for their demonstration on Shark Tank, and the numerous amounts of TikToks of housecleaners using them, I don’t think that I would have believed the sponges are worth the price tag. Years later, I still primarily purchase Scrub Daddy sponges for cleaning my dishes and home because of how durable the sponges are and because of their recycling program.