Teaching with Zines

  • Gender and Women’s Studies Zine Assignment, Brianne Waychoff (BMCC)
    “This assignment asks learners to analyze a media text using course concepts. Throughout the course, we engage many kinds of media and learners give presentations that require them to think about what they communicate visually through images, the organizations of their thoughts, choices of font, color, images, etc., in addition to their words. The zine is a chance for them to apply this skill in analog form. It is also a great community builder and celebration at the end of a semester.”
  • Zines as Open Pedagogy
    “Often, when speaking about open pedagogy, the emphasis is on the digital: frequently listed examples include Wikipedia edit-a-thons, blog posts, and collectively annotated works. Yet the same principles (transparency, self-driven learning, student empowerment) are also strongly found in zines, a print medium that has long thrived in underground spaces and activist movements. There are many potential ways to integrate zines in alignment with open pedagogy, offering a way to bridge the physical and the digital. Bringing zines to the classroom introduces a playfulness and creativity, and “remix, reuse, and retain” takes on a different ring when applied to a print medium. With their use of collage elements, zines are the original “remix,” juxtaposed images adding a quirky twist.”
  • Teaching with Zines on zinelibraries.info
  • Zine Lesson Plans from Barnard College
  • Making the Syllabus Zine