This month we are discussing migration and borders.
Don’t worry if you don’t have time to read everything! Spend time with the resources that are most interesting to you.
- Read: Borderlands/La Frontera, Preface & Chapter 1
You’ll have to make a free Internet Archive account to access this version of the book. You can then borrow it for an hour at a time (recommended) or for up to 14 days. - Read: Melting the Ambiguity and Power of ICE (15-minute read)
- Read: Confronting the Long Arc of U.S. Border Policy (15-minute read)
- Read: Beyond Borders Caucus Manifesto (8-minute read)
- Read: Black Immigrants’ Lives Matter: Disrupting the Dialogue on Immigrant Detention (9-minute read)
- Watch/Listen: Border and Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and Racist Nationalism (1 hour, 25 minutes—don’t worry if you don’t have time to listen to the whole thing!)
- Below are denser reads. Definitely optional, but encouraged for anyone who is interested: