This multimedia lesson plan will provide students with the opportunity to explore the origins of Garifuna foods, popular dishes, and understand the cultural significance of Garifuna food to the Garínagu, the Caribbean, and the Diaspora.
From planting to preparation, we hope this Food Tree Story and accompanying activities not only provides an introduction of Garifuna food, but highlights Garifuna history, identity, and resilience.
The learning activities presented will also encourage students to learn more about the origins and significance of their own traditional foods, thus strengthening their cultural identity.
(L) Image Courtesy of Isha Sumner, chef and author of Weiga/Let’s Eat @weigaletseat
Isha Sumner: What is Garifuna Food?
The 4 C’s: Roots of Garifuna Culture
Enjoy this short listen as you learn more about the roots of Garifuna culture and its connection to place through Isha and the lens of cultural continuity. What are the elements of your roots? How do you practice this process of cultural continuity?

Making Ereba: Garifuna Food Technology