Identity & the Census


Argentina, like many countries around the world, collects data in order to write policies, allocate resources to various sectors of society, and make decisions that impact marginalized communities. The lessons in this booklet build upon one another and aim to raise awareness of the use of the census and its impact on persons of African descent in Argentina.

This resource is a beginning, an addition to the teacher’s or community organizer’s toolkit. The
layout of the booklet is as follows;

  • an overview of the lesson and possible suggestions for implementation
  • an activity to stimulate engagement in the subject matter (pre-lesson activity)
  • the lesson and with suggestions for implementation
  • a post lesson activity- this is an activity to help close a lesson and an opportunity to apply concepts learned
  • a notes/ideas page- to write down any notes or ideas that you may have as you plan
  • lesson plan template page- to use for drafting your version of the lesson
  • supplemental resource page- these are available as clickable links!

Make these lessons your own! Every context is different. Take what is offered here and adjust it to meet the needs of your community. Please let us know if you found these resources helpful! Our profiles can be found at We’d love to hear from you!


Imane Chaaba, Triston Hayles, Dave Martial, and Dr. Y. Joy Harris-Smith

